Last weekend we flew up to Pine Mountain Lake and drove into Hetch Hetchy to hike to Wapama Falls. The weather was fantastic for mid-January: clear and in the high 50s to low 60s. After about 15 minutes on the trail, jackets and outer shirts came off, and we were down to jeans and t-shirts.

Hetch Hetchy Panorama

Kathleen took several pictures of the Yosemite Valley area and the Sierra Nevada Mountains on the flight up with our Canon SD800 IS. Here are a few of them.

Flight to Pine Mountain and Yosemite in January 2009 Flight to Pine Mountain and Yosemite in January 2009 Flight to Pine Mountain and Yosemite in January 2009 Flight to Pine Mountain and Yosemite in January 2009 Flight to Pine Mountain and Yosemite in January 2009 Flight to Pine Mountain and Yosemite in January 2009 Flight to Pine Mountain and Yosemite in January 2009

You can see the full set in the Flickr photo set titled January 2009 Flight to Pine Mountain.

I shot about 250 more with my Canon 300D and you can see a few here.

Wapama Falls Hike in Hetch Hetchy Wapama Falls Hike in Hetch Hetchy Wapama Falls Hike in Hetch Hetchy Wapama Falls Hike in Hetch Hetchy Wapama Falls Hike in Hetch Hetchy Wapama Falls Hike in Hetch Hetchy Wapama Falls Hike in Hetch Hetchy

The full set is on Flickr in Wapama Falls Hike in Hetch Hetchy Valley.

The picture at the top of this post was stitched together with autostitch on Windows and touched up in Picasa.

There are still more pictures of the hike that she took with the SD800 IS to come as soon as I get them on-line... You can always watch my full photo stream is here.

Posted by jzawodn at January 24, 2009 09:12 AM

Reader Comments
# Harry said:

Fantastic photos. Makes me feel like I'm walking through some lost world in Myst. I don't know why but I'm drawn to the trail bridge picture, in particular.

My contribution to your trip: You probably didn't fly direct, but there's a memento for you.

Cheers, Harry

on January 24, 2009 01:10 PM
# Juan Pablo said:

Awesome photos; thanks for posting! I'm impressed that you have some element of work/life balance.

on January 24, 2009 08:39 PM
# Adi said:


Sorry to go off topic here, but i wanted to request a particular post.

I wanted to know the maturity of hadoop project @yahoo. More so on scaling it amazon ec2.

Will it be possible to share some insider info on this, is it suitable for large production apps if yes any starting points?


on January 24, 2009 10:23 PM
# Chris said:

Wow, great stuff Jeremy.

Hey, anyone else notice that this pic:
looks a bit like rear end?

on January 26, 2009 06:49 AM
# Gen Shibayama said:

Great pics, Jeremy!

on January 26, 2009 10:18 AM
# Mike Schilli said:

You meant to say "15 minutes on the trail", not "trial", right?

on January 26, 2009 11:54 AM
# Jeremy Zawodny said:

Uhm, yes. Fixed. :-)

on January 26, 2009 12:00 PM
# Jason Staten said:

Wow, these are beautiful. Very impressed. What lenses do you own for your 300D? I recently purchased a Rebel XS and thus far am loving every minute of it.

on February 5, 2009 07:23 PM
# Travlecia said:

Thank you for posting these great pictures. I haven't seen something that beautiful soon.

Thanks again!
Angelo Gotin

on February 7, 2009 02:33 AM
# Vivek Kumar said:

I really liked your choice of shots. I have recently picked photography as my interest and can clearly see that your shots are really nice exposing the bright structure of nature.

On the funny side, I will like you make an account on ShutterPoint: your shots will be a hot sell. :-)

Thanks again for sharing such nice shots.

on February 7, 2009 05:47 AM
# How To Get Out Of Debt said:

Wow, Great Photos! I sure miss Living in California. I was stationed there in the Navy and we would visit that place a lot. Those were the days:) Makes me want to take a trip up there again.


on March 10, 2009 07:22 PM
# ddldave said:

your pictures are so clear.

on April 20, 2009 02:41 AM
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