I've got several random things to say to the interwebs but none of them merit a blog post individually...
First off, I love data. But I hate the fact that the spreadsheet in OpenOffice 2.x and Gnumeric both have row limits of 65,536. I don't know who missed the boat on 32 and 64 bit CPUs, but it's rather annoying! And, yes, twitter people, I know that 65,536 is a 16 bit limit--not 8. I was trying to make a point.
Secondly, Yahoo can haz layoffs (again). Having lived through 3 rounds of layoffs in my 8.5 years at Yahoo, I know what that feels like. :-( If you're a kick-ass Perl hacker or an excellent systems and network administrator who'd like to work at a great company in San Francisco, let me know.
Thirdly, the dumbest bugs are often the ones that have been in your code a long time and are incredibly easy to keep glossing over as you read and re-read it.
Fourthly, Tie::Syslog is pretty handy but seems to not like being used multiple times in the same app. Each instance seems to think that it has the same "identity." Anyone seen that before? I haven't dug into that yet but probably will soon.
Finally, we're out of town for a few days while the house is being fumigated for termites. And we brought all four cats with us. That what I call an adventure.
Now back to your regularly scheduled... uh, stuff.
Posted by jzawodn at October 21, 2008 09:01 PM | edit
Doesn't Excel have the same row limit? Not that it makes it any less annoying...
Jeremy... While on the B-2 bomber program during the last of my 24 yrs w/Northrop, we had not a "series" of layoff's but a "5-yr straight-line downsize from 13,000 to 1,300 employees" (in the B-2 Los Angeles division). I-myself was "laid-off" *6* times but managed a "save" (got another slot somewhere) until I got a slot in Palmdale for my last 2 years. But, I made it. Retired.
Interesting: Part of USAF aircraft "aircraft acceptance" is "acceptance testing". The same USAF also offered Northrop a *bonus* if Northrop would keep to the downsize-schedule. What to do?
Answer: The USAF accepted "acceptance in-place" (meaning if "it worked" that was equal to "met acceptance criteria") and Northrop took the (multi-million) bonus for laying-off on a straight-line-down-hill.
And the USAF (and industry) continues to lament "Can't get quality engineers!"
Thanks for letting me rant...
Open Office 3.0 just came out. That comes with 1024 columns (instead of 256) for what that is worth. Probably an extension in the wrong direction for you.
Have been running into this myself I don't know how many times. Reading and massaging those tables as ASCII text files on a Linux using Perl or what not does not really cut it. Sometimes helps though.
OK I may be off topic but where else can I go for knowledgeable advice?
Where is a better server than Yahoo?
I hate Yahoo. I hate it is always in some sort of repair mode and I am kept waiting and waiting while the little rocket ship in the upper left corner keeps protrooding suggestively.
Then there is the hoakey scrambled code word needed before an email may be sent.
Thank you.