As long-time readers here know, I've been a fan of MySQL for many, many years--so much that I even wrote a book about it. It's a fantastic product that's unmatched in many ways. Over the years, I've had the pleasure of getting to know many of the early folks at MySQL AB, including the Monty and David (co-founders), Marten (CEO), numerous engineers (Brian, Jim, Mark), sales folks (Kerry, Larry), and so on.

So I was very happy to see the announcement this morning that Sun is Buying MySQL AB. Sun is a great company that really gets Open Source and is making some big and very smart bets on it for their future. I think it's a great home for MySQL.

There's some smart thinking going on over at Sun these days. That Jonathan guy has a good head on his shoulders. :-)

Congrats again to everyone involved!

Posted by jzawodn at January 16, 2008 09:50 AM | edit

Reader Comments
# Mario said:

I agree, and I hope OpenSolaris becomes as smooth and powerful as Linux. I just wish I could pick the right moment to buy JAVA:

on January 16, 2008 01:45 PM
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