The end of our big Africa trip is nearly here. The travel through Kenya went well despite the reported violence, demonstrations, and so on. We've been in Zanzibar for the last several days for a little beach time and even a wedding. :-)
On January 8th, 2008 we were married on the beach during a breezy and sunny day. It was a great ceremony in an excellent location and I'll surely write a lot more about it (and the rest of the trip) later. But we need to start our day of travel back to the USA and the harsh reality of not living on a beach resort.
We'll be heading back via Nairobi, London, and finally San Francisco. In the meantime, here are a few more wedding pictures. We'll upload more in a few days--not to mention billions of safari pictures.
See you all in a few days, and thanks for all the good wishes!
Posted by jzawodn at January 09, 2008 10:23 PM | edit
Woo-hoo! Congratulations to you both! And, lovely pictures.
Enjoy the trip and best wishes for a wonderful marriage.
Wow. What a beautiful place to marry. Congratulations to both of you.
Jeremy, WOW! What a great news!!! My sincere congratulations!! :)
Congratulations to you both. That's a beautiful photo.
Congratulations!! What a great place to go to get married. Enjoy your time.
Congrats, Jeremy! That must have been a memorable wedding. I can offhand think of a couple of million people who will envy you for the rest of their natural lives - me included! :)
Herzlichen Glückwunsch from Germany! All the best to both of you.
P.S. Please geo-tag your pictures -- I'm still looking for the right place to stay for our fifth anniversary ;-)
Congrats, my friend! Looks like you guys had a great time! Looking forward to you getting back and hearing all about it. :-)
That looks fantastic. What a way to get married. Congratulations!
Congratulations. I am sure getting back into the thick of things is going to be no fun
Congratulations! Looks like you're having a fantastic time.
Congratulations, she a beautiful lady and you two make a good couple.
Have fun !!
Congratulations... Looks like a beautiful Bahamian day!
Wow... what a whirlwind. Congrats. You went even farther than I recommended. Not messing around with the insanity of a year or longer engagement is really smart.
Limiting the wedding party to lions and tigers and bears (ok, maybe zebras), oh my! Hope you both are doing well and can't wait to see pix.
Congratulations, and careful with that honeymoon blogging...
Well, everyone else is too decent to say it but-- your wife's hot. Nice work man. I'm sure she's interesting and a lovely person as well but hey all I saw was the pics. Congratualations to you both.
I've got the old man's car,
I've got a jazz guitar
I've got a tab at Zanzibar
Tonight that's where I'll be
Big Congrats Jeremy!
Heartfelt congratulations to you both! Best wishes to you for health and happiness, for the rest of the trip and thereafter of course! :-)
Congrats to you Jeremy! Great way to start off the year.
Travel safe and talk to you when you get back.
Congratulations to you both! I hope you have a long and happy life together.