Riffing off Automattic CEO Toni Schneider's recent post Open Source vs. Open APIs, I've submitted a talk proposal for the 2007 O'Reilly Open Source Convention titled From Open Source to Open APIs. Toni and I will co-present the session which has this abstract:
When openness moves up the stack, opportunity knocks...
The advent of hosted web applications and services that communicate primarily over HTTP kicked off a revolution that has resulted in a growing ecology of Open APIs. Just as Open Source Software spawned entirely new businesses (and business models), Open APIs offer just as much potential—maybe even more in our increasingly networked world.
But at the same time, OpenAPIs are very different creatures from downloadable Open Source Software. This presentation, inspired by Toni Schneider's blog post titled "Open Source vs. Open APIs" (http://toni.schneidersf.com/2007/01/30/open-source-vs-open-apis/), looks those differences and what they mean for those producing and consuming them. We will include real-life experiences from Automattic and Yahoo!
What do you think? Is it interesting? Would you attend? Are there specific things you'd like to see us talk about?
Posted by jzawodn at February 06, 2007 10:47 AM | edit
Sounds interesting; if I were to make it out west for the convention, I'd attend.
Superb topic. I don't plan to go to OSCON so my opinion is less important, but I think APIs are perhaps the most significant issue in the web world right now.
Mashups are redifining what "content" means and have significant monetization implications. I also think many Open source folks still fail to realize this, making it an especially timely topic.
It's sound good,but i realy dont see any different betwen open api and open source.I mean is'nt that practly same thing.But in any case if that would improve entire development scene then it's ok.
The only question is whether or not I will be paying for my own pass to OSCON.
I look forward to your talk. The topic of Open APIs needs more development but I was a fan before I knew the idea had a name and have been striving toward it for years.
I went to OSCON, but missed your talk. Comparing the printed schedule to the website it seems that your talk was cancelled or renamed. If available, can you post a link to you slides?
Sadly, we had a series of scheduling problems that conspired against either of us being there. :-(