Okay, the secret was out a while ago. Beck played at Yahoo for our Hack Day and the show was fantastic. Best of all is the video they made.

It's a probably a bit less funny to see out of the context of the show, but hopefully amusing anyway. If that embedded video doesn't work for you, you can view it on Yahoo! Video or see the original MP4.

I'm blown away by Hack Day so far. Everyone on the team is amazed that we managed to pull this off. :-)

More to come...

Posted by jzawodn at September 30, 2006 12:12 AM | edit

Reader Comments
# rentalio said:

Hi Guys!

HAHAHA I never imagine Yahoo! like that... I taught it is like "John Ford production line" everybody sits in his cage, pardon cubicle, and coding.

Great video, it gives some insight in company culture. Google is more open to that... yahoo! was misterious for me at least.

on September 30, 2006 01:11 AM
# kasia said:


on September 30, 2006 05:44 AM
# txdave said:

I like your blog for its clean layout, lots of white space, and the photos.

If you have time and are feeling generous sometime in the new future, I would be grateful for your comment on my blog, as I want to know what the better bloggers like you think I could do more to be a more successful blogger.

thanks dave

on September 30, 2006 08:13 AM
# Joseph Hunkins said:

Excellent ... Beck Hacker Puppets on the loose, and nobody was injured?

on September 30, 2006 11:35 AM
# laura said:

no way thats AWESOME. I went out to play volleyball yesterday and saw the stage and the food and everyone setting up and I'm SOOO jealous! I had to go to a stupid Gaints game instead. Not that theyre stupid I guess (sigh). But I really wanted to be at this Hack Day.

There are tons of pics on Flickr (not that I was sitting around after the game watching Hack Day pics come in on FLickr til 1 AM or anything):

Ok so when's the next one? Maybe we can get Daft Punk: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=dmF6wzQc8Og


on September 30, 2006 01:02 PM
# Seo Rock Blog said:

Nice Video, i enjoyed, it specially the part where the server is down, and everybody at yahoo is having fun.

on October 2, 2006 01:30 AM
# Mike Mahoney said:

Nice Vid, kid.

on October 2, 2006 09:34 AM
# jen said:

no offense... but...

why no female puppets? bring in the ladies on strings, man, the femmeonettes!

on October 3, 2006 06:06 PM
# Flower Delivery said:

Nice video, indeed! So, this is a part of Yahoo! Insights.

on October 4, 2006 08:07 AM
# Jonathan said:


The puppets are the members of Beck's band. So I guess you'd have to ask Beck why he doesn't have any female band members.

on October 9, 2006 10:00 AM
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