yahoo Congrats to Paul Stamatiou, Nicki Dugan, and the other folks who worked on getting the Yahoo! Corporate blog up and running.

You may remember that Paul came to Yahoo! as an intern not long ago. His last day is coming up already, but he'll definitely be able to show people what he did during his summer break.

Posted by jzawodn at August 02, 2006 07:09 AM | edit

Reader Comments
# Darren said:

You may want to stop calling it the 'Yahoo! Corporate Blog'. It's not really a title that makes my heart sing. On the other hand, 'Yodel Anecdotal' does sound pretty cool.

on August 2, 2006 09:00 AM
# Guillaumeb said:

^^^ Aren't you a bit off-topic !!!

This new blog, whatever name it should bear, promises to be a good read. I just hope this is not going to be one of those purely promotional tool.

on August 3, 2006 03:51 AM
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