Sorry to interrupt this week's diet and weight loss blog clinic, but do you remember a few months back when I was wondering how to revamp Yahoo! Groups?
Of course you don't--that's why I linked to it.
Well, there was a lot of good stuff in the comments there and some great discussion internally that happened around the same time (coincidence?). As luck would have it, the Groups team has been planning to do some pretty cool things. The trouble is that there aren't enough of them.
In other words... Yup, that's right. We're hiring. Yahoo! Groups needs to hire a bunch of engineers for some substantial across the board upgrades they've got planned. The list looks like this:
- 1 engineering manager (c++ experience)
- 1 webdev (css, html, etc)
- 2 front-end and middle-tier (php, light c++)
- 2 back-end (c++)
- 1 database developer (oracle, c++)
- 1 qa manager
- 1 ops manager
Got a resume? Send it to
Update: I forgot to mention the location. These jobs are on-site in Sunnyvale, California.
Posted by jzawodn at June 06, 2006 04:00 PM | edit
Yahoo Groups is the largest under utilized asset at Yahoo. I think Yahoo is finally waking up to it. I know Roger Corn at Yahoo would agree with me to a certian extent.
Meaning that the two of us were talking about how great the potential for the product to branch out and take advantage of multiple trends. How popular is Yahoo Groups from a total unique user standpoint?
Have to agree with Comment #1 - no Java? What a shame. :-)
It'd be interesting to know what kind of changes they have planned. If accepting a position didn't mean I'd have to move to California, I'd apply.
Great news. I suppose Yahoo groups is planning some wonderful changes to the service. Would be interesting to know how it all might end.
It looks as though message retrieval has become much more complex with a multitude of codes such as l=1 and o=0. Are these documented anywhere for users to see or do we have to reverse engineer them on our own?
That "web-dev" position would also technically be a Front-End Engineering position... and it's a bit more than just "html, css, etc." ;)
Can we work from our home states or do we have to move to California, land of a 1000 earthquakes?
Why not print the direct e-mail on your blog instead of going third party via you?
Do you get a wage bonus for each person you hire at yahoo via your blog entries or something?
I'd much prefer a direct e-mail link if thats possible.
I don't want to expose (for spammers) the email addresses of folks who probably get enough mail as it is. And, yes, we do get referral bonuses, but there's no requirement that anyone specific pass on the resume.
Months ago I applied for several jobs at Yahoo through Yahoo jobs as well as my contacts inside the company (including you). My applications seem to have vanished into a bit bucket. Six months later, I am now working at Google. They were much better at following up employee referrals. I started using Yahoo when it hosted on The Yahoo I see today is definitely not the same company. And the change is not a positive one, I am afraid. Good luck finding good people if you are still treating applicants like you treated me 6 months ago.
Maybe if you used java instead of c++, you'd be able to add changes and enhancements more quickly.