I never thought the weather around here would let up. For as long as I can remember (okay, that's a bit of exaggeration), it's been cloudy and raining during at least half the week. Every week.
But now we've had our second day in a row of nice, warm, calm, Bay Area spring weather. So I checked the Weather Underground to find that this stuff is gonna continue for the next 5 days or so.
Kick Ass!
Posted by jzawodn at April 27, 2006 02:30 PM
thanks for sending the rain over ... :-(
Heh, guess this means Z will be taking Fri and Mon off from work to go flying.
Mental note for myeslf - "try to get an internship placement there, better weather and more bloggers" =)
If you're into truly no-frills weather (I see you've eschewed the major weather sites), check out The National Weather Service. A pilot should like the raw radar images...
http://www.wrh.noaa.gov/total_forecast/index.php?wfo=mtr&zone=caz513&county=cac085 - it nuked my link