Irina pinged me the other day to let me know I was listed over on Top Ten Sources in the thinking bloggers section.
The subtitle on that particular part of the site is "Thinking Out Loud" and I think it describes the main reason I got into this blogging thing several years back. I think of it as being able to think about things in public by posting what are essentially draft ideas and then get feedback from lots of smart people.
That got me thinking. It's been a long time since I had a blogroll on my site. I subscribe to far too many feeds anymore. It'd be difficult list them all here. But if I had to pick my "top ten sources", who might they be?
I'll have to think on that one for a while...
Posted by jzawodn at February 08, 2006 08:48 PM | edit
As you touched on in your Linkedin comments below, the idea that you would list people by name, and not by the reasons your value them.
Blogrolls should be about your friends (of which you have too many to blogroll) or about kickbacks.
I started my blog for the same reason, but I don't get as much feedback as you. Maybe I don't think as loudly as you do!