yahoo music blog logo I know that Steve Rubel outed the Yahoo! Music Blog back when it was... in beta (yeah, that's it!). But today it's officially there. And it brings news of the Webjay acquisition including some history:

A couple years back, Lucas created Webjay, a site for easy creation and playback of playlists from the Web. Users can create playlists using music/audio/video from around the Web (with a simple Web form, from scraping a Web page, or with a fancy Ajax interface created by a 3rd party using Webjay APIs), share them with others, include them on their Web sites, browse other users playlists, play the playlists in any media player, or cannibalize the playlists to create new ones. With Dave Goldberg (head of Yahoo! Music) running around telling people that the playlist is the next frontier in digital media, it shouldn’t come as any surprise that we’re interested in what Lucas is doing with Webjay. Y! Music Engine has some interesting playlisting features, open APIs, and more goodies on the way. Lucas will help shape our strategies around playlisting in the future.

Congrats to Ian and team for getting the blog out there. As Ian notes, it's been in the works for a while.

Kevin Burton beat me by mere minutes! :-)

Posted by jzawodn at January 09, 2006 12:20 PM | edit

Reader Comments
# Jeremy Wright said:

Geezus... I totally didn't see that coming (largely because I think Webjay is crap, sorry). Still, you guys are on an absolute roll. Company to watch / buy for 2006!

on January 9, 2006 12:45 PM
# Mark Papadakis said:

I seriously doubt the playlist is the next frontier in digital media. At least, that feature alone. In other words, imagine yourself in your apartment, 20 years from now. What would differentiate your digital experience (entertainment-wise) from today? Playlists? Recommendations? Other personalization features? Quality? The list could go on. So, ideally, this system would know you so well that it could adjust based on your mood and all that. Yahoo! is definitely moving into the right direction, IMHO.

on January 9, 2006 12:55 PM
# Robert Oschler said:

How many acquisitions total is that in the last year? It's like a Yahoo shopping spree!

on January 9, 2006 02:31 PM
# EmilYang said:

wahahaha,goooooooooood!When will yahoo buy netflix,cnet,sixapart,tivo,wordpress,vivendi,viacom,feedburner,technorati,sina,sohu,163,tom,qq,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,and so on?I have so many eagerness and expectations.

on January 9, 2006 05:50 PM
# Farhan Mashraqi said:

This was totally unexpected. You might wanna tell someone to change those "Ads by Google" to "Ads by Yahoo" soon :)

Keep up the good work!

on January 9, 2006 08:52 PM
# Aaron Chronister said:

Great acquisition in my book. I think it's a great tool and with some tweaking will be great for music lovers. I spent a couple hours last night trolling through some playlists and I found quite a few artists I might start listening to.

on January 10, 2006 07:29 AM
# dann said:

What are you in cahoots with Microsoft. What's the deal with having to upgrade your media player. I think version 9 works just fine! I am not going through another cluster f*** just to use yahoo music. Every time I UPGRADE I seem to DOWNGRADE my computer. So long!

on August 14, 2006 01:41 PM
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