As of today, it's official. You can get MovableType on Yahoo! Web Hosting.
And I'll let you in on a little secret. Even though it says "Yahoo! Small Business Web Hosting" you don't need to be a small business to use it. Individuals and Big Business can use it equally well. It's MT for anyone.
Given that blog hosting services seem to be a dime a dozen, why would you bother considering Yahoo? Here are a few reasons (thanks to Anil for helping with this list):
- Yahoo! scales. Yahoo can handle it when a blog gets slashdotted. No sweat.
- You probably already know this, but Y! Search Blog and the Y! Developer Network both use MT (of course, I set both of those up, so I might be a bit biased).
- Yahoo! servers run FastCGI, which is an order of magnitude faster than typical hosting environments. It might have been possible to rig this up yourself with a lot of work in the past, but now it's just there.
- No need to install MT. Really. No tarballs. No chmodding. Hallelujah. Upgrades are easy too.
- Lots of pre-installed plugins: stylecatcher, spamlookup, nofollow, wysiwyg, Yahoo! search, BigPAPI. Plus there's plugins for all your favorite Yahoo services, from Flickr to
I've talked with the Yahoo! Web Hosting folks quite a bit about blog hosting over the past few months (and done some testing too). And you know what? They get it. All along the way, they've been asking what the typical pain points are for bloggers. They've thought a lot about what we can do that other hosting providers have trouble with (scaling, easy upgrades, high bandwidth limits, etc).
Oh, and Dave Winer thinks we'll have a WordPress offering soon too. Wouldn't that be cool?
Posted by jzawodn at December 12, 2005 07:15 AM
Now get Wordpress and you'll be doing a real service ;-)
(also, data importers and such... with MT this isn't built right in, so I'm hopeful you guys have built this into the signup or something)
Seriously though, great job guys. Nice to see Yahoo actually getting the market.
Is there a way to export your existing MT entries into the Yahoo hosted solution. A simple tool might make this task even easier. I think that people who are already running a MT blog will just stick with thier current solution unless there is an easy way to switch.
Yay! As a customer of Yahoo! Web Hosting, I can attest to how fast it is and how well it is run overall. It has lots of features, is very affordable, and comes with plenty of bandwidth and disk space. My site isn't really public, it's more for my personal use, but I do often receive comments from friends about how fast it is. Adding MT is a great enhancement!
How does an existing Typepad customer move over to the MT Yahoo! hosting service?
"Movable Type" is two words; it's such a common mistake that I wonder why they don't just change their name accordingly.
I thought you could smash any two words together (with the right caps) and it'd just work on the web. :-)
There's sooo much evidence...
Dumb question from a guy shopping for a host: Will I get MT by default from Yahoo, or is the right incantation needed? The webhosting pages today make no mention of MT, understandably.
Nice service idea. Now all it needs is a TOS which lets you blog about serious subjects without breaching it.
First, congratulations to Yahoo's legal people for remembering to include "infringes" in the prohibition on making available copyrighted material. Nice to know you can post your own work.
The prohibition on advocating harm appears to limit much political content - notably anything adovcating war as a policy or self-defence tool, or the use of police tools such as tazers. I doubt many Republican blogs could qualify as permissible, if they advocate following administration policy. Things like advocating the sending in of stealth bombers to kill Saddam Hussein prior to the gulf war are apparently prohibited, as are advocating capital punishment or even imprisonment. (p)
Also not so nice that it prohibits making available things which interrupt limit the functionality of any computer hardware, software or telecommunications equipment, since that appears to prohibit linking to mytop and a variety of similar tools which let authorised people interfere with normal operation to do things like kill queries or block access to sites via router tools.
Comments based on alone, without reading any of the parts included by refeence, which probably include similar or more restrictive provisions making it impossible to blog about many topics.
Joe, Cold Fusion did just that a long time back, changing to ColdFusion. Of course there's no reason to mention CF other than that bit of trivia.
If Yahoo is using MT, then what will become of Yahoo 360's blog? In its current state, 360 is isolated enough from the rest of Yahoo (mail, calendar, flickr, etc). If there are no plans to change/upgrade 360's blog to MT, I might as well start telling my friends to switch to WP.
Hell, if Yahoo did a hosted Wordpress, we might move all 100 blogs in b5media to it. All the bits you mentioned are things we'd need to build out infrastructure for, and really we'd be happy to pay 200-500$/month for you guys to take care of all the hard bits ;-)
I can think of one more reason: a built-in commercial license.
Remember, MT's current commercial license starts at $200. With Yahoo's entry level biz package starting at $9/mo, you're still in the black almost 2 years later. That's awesome.
is yahoo about to scrap
Please, please don't say that they "get it" or that someone "doesn't get it." This is a meaningless and tired phrase from the previous Internet boom. Stop. Thanks!
I already have WP via DreamHost so I need to see how you guys compare to them but yes, Winer's words caught my eye too.
I think that this mix is a great idea. It willwork great for many people. I have started reviewing MT the past couple of months, and the biggest problem I have had with reccomending it the difficulty with installation, and the lack of support for adding the standard plug ins... with yahoo behind this, all of that should be taken care of.. good for yahoo, very good for Six Aprt / MT, and really really good for bloggers who want to use the professional Movable Type...
Kudos guys...
This is great, finally a good way to make a good website without using any special powers.
I've been experimenting with moving an existing domain including an existing MT installation to Yahoo. I've posted some notes on my experience and what I've learned that others may find useful in my blog:
Yahoo is not a good host - try Doc-U-Host USA ( )
Yahoo seems to be a very slow host to get things going. I have been web hosting with vistapages and they have several blog scripts including MovableType through their Fantastico thing. Check them out:
Well moveable type has a reputation for needing good technical skills, and I have to say that Yahoo has not made it any easier. Luckily, the installation is done for you. But the interface useability is poor, getting used to it now just because of multiple uses.
And as most technical help pages are from Six APart, and yahoo has their own front end stuck on it, the help often doesnt apply. How do you use Stylecatcher?? I've had it for 3 days, and 3 more days and either the site works or Im off to Living Dot or some such place, anywhere where they accept 'poor usability' refugees like me.
Is it easy to move from MT that I have at another host to Yahoo!MT ? Do Yahoo provide MT updates as they are released?
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today i have canceled my Yahoo service. I have had two MT blogs. I cannot have access to my active blog at for 3 days and YAhoo customer service did not respond my inquiries for 2 days!!!
So i first canceled the inactive blog hosting plan and after finding a more reliable hosting company i will cancel the active one. I had chosen Yahoo because of this MT service. Unfortunately, i might even say goodbye to my beloved blogging software. I wish MT would be more responsible with Yahoo hosting system...
Most of web hosts are offering these kind of facilities. I sure yahoo has great service regarding this.
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