Who needs George Carlin when you've got Body Parts Slang from Wikibooks?

In the popular jargon of many cultures, the use of sexual slang is a form of humour or euphemism that often creates controversy over its popular use. Sexual humor is seen in many circles as crude and unsophisticated, as well as insulting towards the subject it describes. Nevertheless, sexual humor has been popular since the earliest days of civilisation, and crude humor is seen as having its own place in popular culture.

There's some damned funny stuff on that page, which originated on the Wikipedia.

Posted by jzawodn at October 23, 2005 12:15 PM

Reader Comments
# Jason said:

I haven't heard of half the stuff there.


Jesus ...

on October 24, 2005 12:52 PM
# Aldie said:

It's 'Wikipedia' not 'the Wikipedia'. I'm pedantic.

on October 30, 2005 05:21 PM
# Someone Else said:

Wikipedia has removed the content. Here's more that I found. Only a few of the links are dead.


on November 10, 2005 08:51 PM
# Online Wong PoKér Hu said:

I know some I think that they are part of your dictionay. Slang is a product of human interaction and the desire to make new terms resemble the trasditional exprerssions. These have pros and cons, however, they still help expand vocabulary and the possibilty of communication.

on November 23, 2005 07:04 PM
# Jordan Maxwell said:

There is a slang word called handles for a body part.
Could you please tell me what the body part is as my friends are always talking about them and i don't want to look stupid asking.

If you could get back to me asap i would be very grateful :)

on October 30, 2008 02:17 PM
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