I'm kidding. Really, I am.
Then again, if someone really thinks it's worth $2.5 million (or heck, even half of that), I'll take it. You see, Tristan used the Weblogs Inc. sale as inspiration for developing a blog valuation metric.
In acquiring Weblogs Inc., AOL has now provided us with some numbers traditional media are willing to pay for a blog. Looking at the numbers above, one can try to guess at the value of a link from an external site. a single link on the weblogsinc network represents 0.002258559942180087 percent of the overall network.
Nathan over at Inside Google ran the numbers on several blogs, including mine. He found that mine clocked in at just over $2.5 million.
Heh. If only. :-)
Posted by jzawodn at October 09, 2005 09:56 AM
Someone ought to ask Dave Winer about the day weblogs.com was almost disconnected from the net. It's a real interesting story.
Be patient Jeremy. Let the estimate hit $100,000,000 and then sell. That way you could easily get yourself into a Gulfstream or become a small VC.
The timing is terrible, but I've just set up a decentralized version of weblogsinc, but for tech bloggers: grepblogs.com
It kinda sits between the googleads weblogsinc model really where tech blogs can get real advertising but don't need to be hosted.
Well the "weblogs.com" domain name has to be worth something.
I am glad to see that you are worth 2.5x that pos Mark Cuban. Good job and I hope you see that money (from Yahoo! share price increases) very, very soon.
I think a more realistic metric is to assume metcalfe's law applies and value is proportional to the square of the number of users/links. I'm afraid using this analysis your blog is only worth $23,000.
Tristan's a smart guy, but links are a horrible way to value a business. I'd suggest something more traditional like revenue, earning, page views, growth, etc.
In fact, the things that get linked to and what draws in advertisers (and provides value for them) are two very different things. I could start a blog call "about A-list bloggers" and get to the #1 of the technorati list for example... doesn't mean that site is worth anything to advertisers/as a business.
0.002258559942180087 percent (i.e 1 out of 44276) number is obviously several orders of magnitude too big
Damn.. my blog is still worth nothing.. how about you all link to it and when AOL buys it for eleventy million I split the money with you all, ok?? ;)
A few years back (maybe '99?) when stock was through the roof, a portal was launched to compete with Yahoo!. The premise was (IIRC) that Yahoo! stock was so highly valued (per set of "eyeballs") that the new portal could afford to give you portal stock - and that stock would be valuable! - so that you paid yourself big bucks (in stock) simply by using the site!
Just joining the portal entitled you to Internet stock riches - all you had to do was click more.
I believed it - didn't you?!
Not only is this blog worth millions, I think every time I read it the US Government ought to give me a tax break for all the jobs I am creating and for the effect my viewership has on the international trade imbalance.
Its enough to make one's head spin!
I keep finding myself rich beyond my wildest dreams yet struggling to pay the monthly DSL pittance...
Blogs are good, but not really _that_ good... :-)