Over on the Yahoo! Search blog, Paul says:

In just a few years, most of it spent on nights and weekends, the Upcoming team has built an excellent site with a loyal and growing following. Now that they’ve joined Yahoo!, together we’ll build a social events platform that will integrate with our existing events offering and other areas of Y!, and will continue to support all web users in an open, participatory way.

Andy says:

I've always had a warm and fuzzy feeling about Yahoo. It's been my browser homepage since forever, and I still have akebono.stanford.edu/yahoo/ stuck in muscle memory. Recently, the nostalgia has been replaced by admiration as I've watched them making smart decisions, acquiring great companies (Flickr, anyone?), and hiring all of my friends. The end result is that they're doing some of the most interesting work online, and I found myself linking to them more and more over the last year.

Gordon says:

The opportunity to join forces with Y! ultimately bespeaks all of our sincere interest in making a useful, interesting events substrate on which a flourishing, social community can naturally grow.

Leonard says:

I have to admit that this seemed a bit unlikely to me when this possibility first came up, after all, we were just getting started. But after our initial talks, it was obvious that Yahoo! had the same passion we did, and most importantly, that they both got, and shared our vision. Moving forward, we now have the freedom, resources, and support to pursue the event space on a whole different level, working with some of the brightest and most motivated people in the world. I'm not sure you can beat that combination.

Welcome aboard, guys!

Posted by jzawodn at October 04, 2005 10:03 PM | edit

Reader Comments
# Justin Mason said:

excellent -- well chosen, Yahoo!

on October 4, 2005 11:13 PM
# Marc said:

I am happy to see this. Upcoming.org has a lot of what I like so much about Flickr (fast and simple, community aspect that feels right and not forced, openness). Can't wait to see what Yahoo! does for them - Y! Calendar and 360 integration being two obvious possibilities.

on October 5, 2005 06:52 AM
# Alex Kapranoff said:

I just tried it and was very disappointed to find out that the site works in iso-8859-1 charset.

Hope Yahoo! management will explain those guys how important Unicode is when you're a part of a global company.

on October 5, 2005 07:10 AM
# leonard said:

Alex, we're definitely aware that our i18n is currently... funky. As you might be able to tell from our metros, a fair number of our users are non-english speakers.

We've been cranking away on i18n and a huge number of other core improvements that should be rolling out in the very near future. I think you'll be really please with what we have in store!

on October 5, 2005 12:32 PM
# Vijayachandran said:

Great acquistion. I hope u played a big role in this one..

Now a days u r being too much secretive.. Come on jeremy u can do better than this. I know u know this before

on October 5, 2005 01:00 PM
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