As part of my 30 Day GMail and Yahoo! Mail Challenge, I'm posting the good and bad of my experiences so far--now ~2 days into it...
- Ctrl-Enter sends a new message. I found this out by accident and was thrilled to see it Just Work. :-)
- Y! Mail has the option to automatically add new contacts to my addessbook when I sent a message to someone I've never sent to before. This annoyed me at first because it made sending mail feel like it required more steps than really necessary. But I quickly realized how valuable this was and don't mind the one-time cost at all. Having he address completion when composing is great.
- The 'v' key toggles the "preview pane" which is handy when you'd like to make a quick pass thru your inbox to clean out the obvious junk. I jused to hit F8 for that all the time in Thunderbird.
- There is no hotkey for "mark as spam." I'd suggest using "!" simply because GMail has already trained me to use that key for it.
- I'd like a preferece that says "always CC this address." As it is, I have to manually add myself to the CC line on every message I compose.
- Sorting preferences are not sticky. I like the newest stuff at the bottom and can get that with a click each time I start Y! Mail, but shouldn't have to. want the default to be customized for my habits.
- Plain URLs in messages aren't converted to links. I can cut-n-paste, so not a big deal.
I have reported all the feature requests and/or bugs via the send feedback link in the Yahoo! Mail Beta.
Posted by jzawodn at September 28, 2005 01:26 AM | edit
"Ctrl-Enter sends a new message. I found this out by accident and was thrilled to see it Just Work. :-)"
That is nice. This has been on my wishlist for Gmail for a long time.
I wish i can use the New Yahoo mail beta to send some comments.. Why dont you get reviews from common average user.. Dont u think it is good..
send me an invitation to
and wait for the reviews..
I'd prefer "Always BCC". BTW, could you (as a person sending all mails with a Cc: header) tell us what part of your correspondents group-replies? That's probably important for your setup as you Cc: your archiving address.
We've been saying it for quite some time and we'll say it again.
"eMail will be dead soon"
This is not ad spam, but the truth. However much you try and improve eMail, it is still not gonna work. You are still gonna have Spam and missing-context frustrating you to no end. I, on the other hand get to choose what I read.
Yeah, I know I have left my eMail id here. But that is to let you people know where you can drop me a line. After all, you poor mortals do not have an access to "the Layer". Like I do.
Shrikant Joshi
PS: No. Yahoo! Mail beta doesn't interest me anymore.
Has Y!Mail removed the options in the new version?
Previously you could go to Options -> General Preferences and select ascending or descending to be the default.
Unless of course you think it should just set this for you automatically based one what ever you viewed last.
Chad, I have that preference set but it doesn't have any effect in the new interface. Another bug to file...
Regarding your last complaint, there's a Firefox extension called Linkification that does what you're looking for. It's pretty intelligent, so (for example) the plaintext URLS in Google search results aren't linkified.
I use "flag for follow up" with reminder constantly in Outlook - it's the only way you can stay on top of 15 projects and 300 emails a day - the new Y! mail has this, minus the "reminder ping." How cool would it be if you could select reminders to be sent to you via Y!IM or SMS? Me want.
I'm wondering if there's an actual policy Yahoo has about when the beta is going to be opened up. It seems frustrating that folks who are into it enough to read a detailed blog posting, are already paying for Yahoo Mail service, and can't find a way to test it out themselves.
Umm, you don't necessarily rollout to paying customers want to make sure a product has a relatively low number of bugs and performs well before putting it out to paying customers...otherwise you have the "why am I paying for this broken stuff" feedback.
Why is it that Yahoo! uses links that look like this...*
when the part before the * won't resolve all the time? It's very frustrating.
Sounds like a DNS problem. We use those types of addresses all over the network.
Looking at your list of wants GreaseMonkey seems like a good suggestion to both fix the bits you don't like and to give you a quick, and functional prototype to show your co-workers.
I've used Greasemonkey for this and a short user script works wonders when getting buy in.
My school has a restriction on yahoo mail. HOw can I get around that to get on my mail at school?
i would like to read my mail while i am in school but the school i go to has blocked it. i would like to know what the best way is the unblock it so i can read my mail..