I'm surprised that people are still emailing me to ask "when are you gonna write something about the new Yahoo! Mail?"
I figured that with Walt Mossberg saying:
I've been comparing the new version of Yahoo Mail, which claims to be the leader in Web mail, with Gmail, the challenger Yahoo most fears. My verdict: The new Yahoo Mail is far superior to Gmail. Yahoo more closely matches the desktop experience most serious email users have come to expect.
...and PC Magazine saying:
...there's no question that Yahoo! is set to make a big leap forward with its new Web-based mail product. We'll hold off on a rating until the official release or at least the full public beta, but from what we've seen and tested so far, Yahoo!'s competition may soon have some serious catching up to do.
...and the AP saying:
Overall, I find Yahoo easier to use, and it's quite impressive for a product that's only weeks old. I expect even more features by the time a final version is released.
Well, I figured that the cat was pretty well out of the bag: the new Yahoo! Mail kicks a lot of ass. For lots of people out there, it's going to be the first web-based replacement for Outlook or Outlook express they've ever seen.
And it's got some serious "WOW" factor going for it. I still remember when Ethan turned on my access a few months ago. I was at home packing for my trip to Parowan when he gave me the URL. The interface loaded up and I just thought... wow!
It was slower back then and has some bugs but it was already clear that it was going to move expectations up a level or two.
Oh, and if you look at that screenshot, you'll see that there are over 42,000 messages in my inbox. The product still works well with a big volume of mail.
Now stop asking when I'm gonna write about it! :-)
BTW, It is a closed beta right now but that should change soon. In the meantime I've asked the Yahoo! Mail team if I could give out a few "invites" so faithful readers could try it out. No response yet, so no promises. But let me know if you think you could really use it...
Posted by jzawodn at September 22, 2005 05:17 PM | edit
aaah, it is awesome isn't it? I can do simple things like select a bunch of mails at a time and delete them, without clicking on each one. They did a reall good job with keyboard navigation as well. Love it
I've been dreaming about access to this the moment I heard about it, I've signed up to get notified about the beta release! I use Yahoo! Plus all day long, would love an invite... ;)
> the new Yahoo! Mail kicks a lot of ass
Wonder if it kicks ass enough to cause JDZ to switch from Gmail (back?) to Y!Mail...
Does this version of Yahoo! Mail correctly send its Content-Disposition: attachment headers so that filenames with spaces aren't truncated when you download them? It only does this in Gecko-based browsers (see bug 221028 in Bugzilla) due to their strict interpretation of RFC 2231, and it's really annoying.
Have you seen the client for Zimbra yet? (http://zimbra.com/) How does it compare? Can we import mail from an IMAP server into the new Y! interface?
The new interface certainly seems to replicate the look and feel of the desktop email client, which I appreciate, but I'm become quite attached to the simplicity of the gmail interface.
Even still, an invite would be swell; I'd love to try it out.
BTW, since when did Yahoo! webmail start advertising with Google Ads?
What about support for the Opera browser?
If this turns out to be half as good as it looks, I am switching back to Yahoo for the first time in 3-4 years.
It looks like a desktop client.
I switched from accessing my IMAP e-mail in desktop clients to just having all my mail forwarded to Gmail, because I like it BETTER than desktop clients.
I pretty much agree with Anick Jesdanun of the AP's review: for users who are used to Desktop client apps, and not ready to handle change, Yahoo's new webmail looks like the best bet.
But for power users? Gmail's features and minimalistic slick interface still win.
jeremyw: that Google Ads item in the screenshot is a Google bookmark Jeremy has in his Firefox toolbar. There are no Google ads in the Yahoo Mail UI.
Justin: checked for the bug you described (spaces in attachment filenames) and the filenames are not truncated when using Firefox. So it appears this bug is fixed in the new mail beta.
It would be great to try it out!! Thanks for the invite in advance :-)
Jeremy, would there be a conversation view?
An invite is appreciated if you have one to spare.
Agree with Chris.G if it is really as good as it is made out to be, I am definitely switching back to yahoo from gmail. But have to watch what the hotmail kahuna team is coming out with. They seem to be really slow in catching up with the rest of the gang.
Anyways if you get the invite, please send me one ;-)
Will there still be random character string verification for outgoing messages? That's driven me to the competition for the time being.
I don't want an invite...but I'm looking forward to testing it when the time comes.
I can't imagine switching from gmail, though. Besides, "@gmail.com" looks better than "@yahoo.com". ;)
please give me an invite for the yahoo beta,i am a gmail fan but would love to give it a try.thanks a lot.
Free *@yahoo.com addresses must warm the cockles of every spammer's heart.
The problem with the Yahoo brand is the extraneous exclamation point...
Oops. Sorry.
I would love an invite as well (kmartino1 UID) :) And I definately promise to use it. One of the great things about using a pobox account is I simply need to change what inbox to use and bingo - my email conversations seemlessly follow me without me prompting others of some new email address.
tony Quan: I wasn't referring to the screenshot. Right after all the comments on this page there's an "Ads by Google" section, which, for me, still shows "Yahoo WebMail," among other webmail services.
Looks damn good! What's the Paypal address to send money to so I can try it out?
BTW, that's a lot of tabs open in Firefox!
I've used Yahoo mail for a long time but I've found myself moving more and more to gmail. I'd love to give the new interface a try. But here are the things I would be looking for as an improvement over the current Yahoo mail: 1) Archive instead of delete, 2) Better spam filtering (Yahoo's spam filtering is *miserably* inaccurate and unintelligent), 3) Easy seach capability, 4) "Coversations", 5) Fast, dynamic interface. All of these things have me moving to Gmail now -- the only thing right now that really keeps me holding on to Yahoo mail is the fact I can have my own domain at Yahoo instead of @gmail.com.
how does it work on a mobile - either with the browser or with a pop client?
The comment section is busy today. I meant, the unattributed comment to tony Quan a few comments back was me!
I, too, have switched to Gmail, and I think that Gmail's introduction has spurred some long-overdue innovation in a stagnant field of webmail offerings. If Yahoo and so many others are so confident that this is better than Gmail, perhaps they'll finally introduce free forwarding and POP/IMAP access. It does look promising, though, and I would definitely love to be brought into the test group.
I've been using Yahoo's email since 1999 when it really sucked, but I've stuck with it through the years. I'd love to be a beta tester.
I'd love to get an invite for the new Yahoo! Mail beta. As you can see, I've begun using Gmail and have been very happy. Have been debating and sending my Yahoo! account to the back burner like I did with Hotmail. Hoping Yahoo! can convince me to stick around again.
Yeah, I could really use the new Yahoo! mail... Pretty please???
Doug: I disagree with your claim that the spam filters on Yahoo are poor, for me they are brilliant and less than 1 out of 100 spams get through to my inbox. Do you train your filters by marking mails that get through as spam?
General point for me: Regardless of how much better Gmail is at the moment (it is really slick, I have to agree), I'm not going to abandon my 8 year old Yahoo address. If someone wants to get a hold of me, they know where to go. Can't wait for the new interface!
I'm excitted to see that T-Mobile has announced BlackBerry Integration with Yahoo! Mail. So, even without BES, it seems that using Yahoo! Mail will get true push email, real time reconciliation, etc... Is that part of the Yahoo! Mail only? If so, I could REALLY ues an invite. (-;
I'd love an invite. I spend my day in yahoo mail, and have had an account with yahoo! mail since before it was yahoo mail (rocketmail).
Alas, I get so much spam at my address that my 8 year old yahoo email address gets 5,000+ spam messages a day. (yahoo's spam engine has gotten SUBSTANTIALLY better in the last year. Kudos to that team, they really made a huge improvement in spam blocking.)
I can't wait to try the new interface.
jamess at yahoo
pls sign me up, I've been a YahooMail user for years
Just wanna try new yahoo beta..
Care to send one for me??
Prashanth Gurijala
an invite would be nice. have been expecting this ever since yahoo! acquired oddpost.
Although, as far as I've been reading about the new Yahoo! Mail, I must admit it is a great step forward in matter of user experience and functionality. But, let's not forget that it was Google (thru their Gmail) that pioneered the desktop-like behavior of webmail. For years Yahoo never (not even) tried to upgrade their email service in a significat way (neither as storage, nor as structure/interface), until... Gmail showed up. In some way, it would be natural for the new Yahoo! Mail to better Gmail, for the simple fact that Yahoo! Mail team had one good and recent example: Gmail team and their original work.
I am with Stephen Duncan. Gmai is my favourite mail application exactly becaue it does not try to imitate any dekstop clients, it is better.
There is tons of features which I like in gmail, not to forget it is available in my language, and it offers spellcheking in it (and it detects which language you are writing message in!).
Will Y!M offer that too?
Adrian N. touches a key point. Indeed, yahoo! mail hadn't been improved upon in ages - and i have been a user (a paid one at that) for years. the appearance of GMail served as a much needed wakeup call for Yahoo! If I may be an example of the pattern that a lot of users of yahoo!mail migrated to GMail as soon as I was granted an invitation more than a year ago. However, this analogy can be made for firefox and IE. Until firefox had shown up on the scene IE was the deadest piece of software out there. Now we have IE7 which, it is safe to say, wouldn't have come had not IE faced the competition from firefox. All in all everyone is better off. Yahoo! Mail users will enjoy a better product because of GMail and IE users will have a better product because of Firefox. Also, I bet that Google and Mozilla will not rest on their laurels given that bar has been raised by everybody.
"The beta version is only available to Yahoo! Mail users in the U.S."
Interesting desision...
Would also love an invite. I would be honest, i'm biased towards Google products, but I highly respect Walt's words, and I think he speaks the mind of the normal user.
You guys have to accept that Gmail woke everyone up in the webmail world. What i liked about Yahoo though is you never backed down (even when this new thing is still under development), and now with this upcoming version of Yaho Mail, my respect for Yahoo is going up even more.
But for now, gmail is my primary email, and Yahoo is just there for other stuff. But I'd really really like an invite for the new version.
The ides of limiting it to US-based Yahoo customers only is so uncool. :-(
Hi Jeremy
Would it be possible for you to send me an invite ?
- Ram
What makes you think it'll never be available elsehwere? It's available in the US for NOW but will grow beyond that.
Is the ad signature still appended to the bottom of messages in free Y! accounts? Is message text still wrapped? One of my favorite features of Gmail is conversation threading and it's going to take something pretty impressive in Y! Mail to make me want to switch. An invite would be appreciated if/when you get them.
I would love an invite. I'm an SBC Yahoo DSL customer and suspect this new interface will come to us last, so anything that can be done to speed up my access to it would be much appreciated. Sad how those of us who actually PAY to use Yahoo mail are last to get access to features that other folks get for free.
I would love an invite to the beta version. Yahoo Mail is far above the other alternatives which I have tried, including gmail.
since I've already said publicly that
I plan to remain fithful to my wife "Gmail"
you probbaly won't let me take
the new Yahoo mail out on a couple of dates.
I understand. but it might have been
a fun experience.
besides Walt Mossberger has been wrong before.
not often, but it happens.
-ron k. jeffries
Hi Jeremy,
I would really like to give the new Yahoo! mail a go. I'm currently utilising both Thunderbird and Gmail currently for mail and would like to also try an alternative like the new Yahoo! mail beta. So if you manage to get an invite pop it to jacques (at) php (dot) net.
Thanks in advance.
Jeremy, next time you get invites for something or expect to get some, maybe you'd consider not offering them here? You can always send them to friends of yours you know would like to get one.
I just went through all the comments, and it's rather annoying to go through a parade of "send me an invite pleez" comments. If it were my blog, it'd drive me nuts :-) Just a thought, no pressure :-)
Hey there I know people do say it's annoying but if you do or would have any extra invites and you would be willing to part with one my way I would appreciate it.
Yeah, what I've always dreamed of is clunky old Outlook put on the web.
Yahoo is so behind the curve and so dim witted in this move, it's just sad. I used to be a big Yahoo fan, but ever since Google moved beyond search, I've learned what innovation really means.
Gmail actually introduced entire new concepts in email handling, and all Yahoo can do is give me Outlook in a browser. Well done, Yahoo.
I have been using the new Y! Mail interface for a few weeks no - let me just say that this ain't no Outlook rehashed for the web - it's totally awesome. Dmitri, I'd wait and use it before condemning Y! for being "dim witted". My experience suggests otherwise.
I have been waiting for the new Yahoo mail for ever (it seems). I asked yahoo if I could join the Beta, but no luck. I am in between different workstations all day and cannot use a desktop client. I have been using Yahoo for about 8 years and can't wait for the new version. Will this work with Safari? If there any extra invites I would really appreciate it if you allowed me to join.
I have had my yahoo email address for years - way before SBC and Yahoo became partners in some great crime. I have had a terrible time with my telephone line and SBC's DSL. I finally switched to cable. Here in lies the problem. SBC says I will loose my email and email address that I have had for free all these years IF I cancel by YahooSBC DSL. Any ideas what to do? Right now I have both services which are costing me and ARM and a LEG. I tried to find a Yahoo only telephone number but to no avail......
After trying zimbra, one does get spoiled.
Please send an invite.
People, people - as previously mentioned this is all about the new mail client which many have not yet seen (there was a review with screenshots mentioned in the article though).
Annnd you can sign-up for the beta right here:
Good luck!
I've had a paid yahoo e-mail for many years, and it really pisses me off that I have sent in several request for the beta test and have not gotten a reply. If I don't get one from yahoo I will certainly not renew. I mean why put that page there to register and then not do anything about it when people fill out the registration.
I think that they have already given out thousands of beta invites. Don't be mad. They are giving them out randomly. If you are interested in checking on the progress of the beta testers, check out ymail groups in Yahoo Groups.
We are testing out the product and you can see what we are finding. I am testing it and am very pleased. I see it being released to public beta quite soon with the way things are going. I think you will be pleasantly surprised. While you're at it, check out the Yahoo! 360 group on the progress we are making beta testing the 360 weblog!
Hello,, I have been using Yahoo mail for about a year,,, lately its slow as can be .. one can poke their eyes out waiting to navigate in there...it wasn't like that few months ago...whats up? Yahoo is excellent spam catcher, however when i get attachments yahoo puts it into small pics that one is supposed to enlarge to 'view' well they don't open up for me....... back to Hotmail which is fulla spam but still it takes less time to delete it that yahoo's navigation from compose to inbox application,,, pooy on yahoo!!...thank you :)
Would some one favor me with an invite please.
This is a response to Judy Dearborn. I had the EXACT same problem. It is SBC that is perpetrating this unconscionable act of email address hijacking, but Yahoo is complicit in the scam. SBC tries to steal YOUR email address if you ever convert your original free yahoo address to the SBC-Yahoo branded service. I fought very long and hard with them and eventually got my email back, but it was an ugly battle that took months. My wife's and son's addresses were never fully recovered properly. We can log in to their accounts in the toolbar, but the mail system says "cookies rejected" ... obviously, it's not a problem here because toolbar login works from dozens of browsers and systems AND my account works fine, now. I wish this would be much more widely publicized. I've been a paid Yahoo Mail user since 1999, signed up for the beta long ago, but still haven't heard from them, either. Personally, I've stuck with Yahoo simply for the continuity of my email address.
This beta must request? or invited by someone else?
Can I try?
I'm riding with Mr. Duncan also. I've forwarded all of my accounts to Gmail and have setup alliases so I can send emails from multiple accounts from Gmail -- all because it is SO DIFFERENT from outlook. The look and feel of Outlook stresses me out. With my Treo and with Gmail's import contacts function, I dont even open Outlook anymore. (Did I mention the 2003 version would take forever to load?) I basically just sync with Outlook so I have a backup of contacts, etc. Plus, don't you think Gmail will be vastly improved by this time next year anyway? So who's really playing catch-up?
That looks great and I'm looking forward to trying it out. I just started, once again, a phase where I am getting very annoyed with email and multiple accounts, so am hoping Yahoo can help me out organizing them all. Of course I also want the whole "Outlook" type expeience and Yahoo sounds like it has a great competitive product in the pipeline. I'd love one of those beta invites, so much so that I'd be willig to name my first child after you - except "snip snip" hopefully that won't be happening. haha
Hi can i have an invitation too? I love to try this Yahoo beta mail.
Thanks a lot
I'm interested with using beta release of Yahoo! Mail. Would u please invite me to give it a try?
I would like an invite if you have any. I am an existing yahoo mail user that would like to stop paying for POP3 service if the web interface is much better.
Thanks in advance,
I'm working with the Yahoo team. Trust me , Yahoo Beta mail will revamp the whole web-based mailing services. Its just awesome. Wish I could share , but as of right now, its still in internal employees only...so maybe if we do get an official link to invite people ...I'll surely send one across to everyone here...till then ...wait and watch out for the Yahoo mail beta :-)
I was given an offer by yahoo to beta test and I accepted, I'm just a normal person so I have no idea what critera they are using to select. I also have a few other yahoo mail accounts which were not invited. I'm not sure about terminology but I'll try. When I look at the screenshot above I see a brief snippet of the message contents. My test does not have that. Is there different beta versions or is there a way to enable that brief email contents?
Dear ladies and gents,
This e-mail goes out to all of you and especially to Jeremy and the "undercover" Yahoo team member... I am writing because I am very worried... I need help in ref: Yahoo! Beta Mail... I did not ask to be invited, I did not even want it... but it's been 3 hours that I am trying to get into my regular yahoo account and I can't. I get something which looks like Jeremy's inbox, but nothing more... and if I try to enlarge the picture and "e-mail" it, it automatically opens up an e-mail in outlook with a subject "Trap-screenshot".... Why?! Why me? What do I need to do? Could it be that it is not loading because of my somewhat bad internet connection?...
Jeremy, you were saying that you wrote the yahoo team? Could I kindly ask you to give me that e-mail address? I wrote to somebody in Yahoo! Inc. but I don't know if it was the right person or not...
I am looking forward to hearing from you... all :-))) Thank you for all your help and future transfered, hopefully, knowledge :-)
Kind regards,
Irinel :-)
This is rather clumsy, and when I first got a taste of it, I was horrified to see the rather primitive but effective Yahoo! browser go away.
The mail takes FOREVER to load when I log in, so I'm left to wonder if the server timed out on me. The mail is no longer treated as hyperlinks, so I have to actually double click or 'open' it. There is tabbed browsing, but for my experience the tab didn't want to open or said the message had been opened but nothing came of it.
The ads are much bigger, more intrusive, and take up more space.
Apparently you can now manage the mail as you can manage folders in Windows. Big deal. For simple email this has become slow and cumbersome, and I hope that they keep the old version, since if I want to screw around with a monolithic interface and lots of features that waste loading time instead of letting me type "OK, meet you for lunch" I'll go to my Gmail account.
There are some simple things about old fashioned email programs that really shouldn't be messed with, and Yahoo's loading time has already been a problem for me, this makes it even worse.
Not impressed.
Also, Firefox keeps blocking all sorts of features on the Beta.
I wonder why yahoo is taking ages to scale up. I have signed up for it ages ago.
I was a loyal user of yahoo.. now because of this irritation, I am planning a switch over to Google. They seem to work MUCH MUCH faster.
Google base's news leaked out and the product was up..within a week for all of us to test and enjoy
this yahoo mail beta news was out on June ?? still users are not seeing anything abt it.
Yahoo is losing out baby...
The beta mail came up when I went to look at my e-mail. When opening the page it won't go past the fifth bar and freezes. It won't let me get in to my mail at all. I want it taken off!! How do I go about it?
upset with yahoo. same problems as irinel and mary ann jackson. how can we get into our regular yahoo mail and skip the beta. beta makes me nervous if the ad for it wont even work.
have tried contacting yahoo but no help there. what can we do? i know i have emails in there, but i cant get to them.
pretty please help us out...
It sure would be nice to get the new Yahoo email interface. Especially that the old is useless with FireFox (graphics mode toolbox doesn't even show, as well as some other bugs or activeX related.
Please send me a beta invite me also, I love Yahoo E-mail and use it daily.
hey..hello.....i cant open my yahoo mail and i dont know why! it keeps on showing the yahoo!mail beta page. and i cant check my mail at all! im so frustrated! please help me!
hey..hello.....i cant open my yahoo mail and i dont know why! it keeps on showing the yahoo!mail beta page. and i cant check my mail at all! im so frustrated! please help me!
This message could be entitled "Brought back from the dead"....
Who?!... Well, my Yahoo! regular accont... ;-)
How?... I wish I could say Yahoo! Help Desk... but, not a chance... They manage to hide... perfectly... And come to think they bought AntiVirus from my home country...
But, coming back to the issue... Well, Orthanes, and Ann Jackson, my experience has taught me that, the reason behind the difficult/ or no upload of new Beta version is the internet connection. I tried it from work and it didn't work for an entire day - hence my first message on this Forum. Finally I tried it from home, and it worked like a charm.... I can use it perfectly... it reminds me a lot of the Outlook, which I kind of hate, but, it's in some ways better than the old Yahoo! version.... Some, not all, and I had higher expectations from the Beta version...
My advice to both of you, and to those who have problems with getting passed the "Invite Window" is to connect to your e-mail account from a less crowded network... Once your "Invitation Window" is fully loaded, click on "Don't try" and you will be automatically be directed to the old version... Nevertheless, if you do manage to get passed the "Invitation Window" on a less crowded network, my advice to you is to click on "Try" and check your e-mails in the new format, for the sake of just... trying it.... :-) There is no problem with going back to the old format at any given moment. In the new Beta version, next to the regular "Sign out" and "My account" you have a new menu "Switch back". You can click on it once you have finished checking your e-mail, and you will sign out from your old Yahoo! version... Once you get back to your regular internet network (a.k.a. home/ office) you will be able to loggin, no problem, in the old version....
I hope my trick with the less crowded network will work in your cases as well... Don't despair, like I did, you haven't lost ANYTHING you had in your e-mail... The problem is that, in some cases, like mine, the "EVERYTHING" you have in your e-mail is an... intangible environment... for a while, at least...
Looking forward to hearing good news from you all,
PS I haven't clicked on "Switch back"... yet... :-)))
Are you kidding? Gmail is far better than yahoo & MAIL LIVE. Who needs desktop experience? We need mail that is user friendly (Like grouping conversations for instance). Labels which are more flexible than folders, filters that are of no match (like Gmail's). Gmail now has anti-virus protection also. Export/import contacts, and a storage which has no match what so ever. Personally i think Yahoo Mail beta & "KAHUNA MAIL" is a big hype & is no match to google mail. If only Google started hosting websites & provide professional email addresses, i would have ditched yahoo completely!!
*yawn* It's still just webmail ;) I'm an IMAP addict; and, besides, it seems it would only be of full benefit to Yahoo Mail Plus! subscribers--among which I am not and never will be, as long as there are alternatives ;) I agree with Shaq: Yahoo is still going to be playing catch up with Gamil for a while yet. At least Gmail offers free POP3 access.
Two friends had been customers of oddpost.com in 2004, which was bought by Yahoo! for the mail client technology... that's where the new Yahoo! Mail Beta came from originally... it's an AJAX app.
Thanks, Denounced, for posting the link...
I just signed up! No invite needed...
Hey, I use Yahoo mail daily with my SBC Yahoo DSL subscription. I am CRAVING an invite to the new beta so if anyone can spare one please send one to netster007@sbcglobal.net PLEASE
I am using FireFox so i am hoping the beta won't hav any glitches with it!
My current yahoo mail still doesn't have the graphics toolbar in FF although it did 4 one week! Hopefully the beta will hav sum more stable FF support!
Also, for the past few months Yahoo mail will randomly load very SLOWLY for a little bit. Maybe its because of the beta development. Hey Yahoo, PLEASE get sum better servers!
Also, Yahoo seems to be taking 4ever to get launch and avatars and other features to work in FireFox, c'mon guys, gimme sum support!!!
I hav tried Gmail and i am a very tech literate person, however i was a fish out of water in Gmail. I cudn't find the folders or do anything. (now i know a label is a folder)
Yahoo mail is just way more inviting and EZ to use. Also, i cud NEVER switch 2 Gmail for its lack of smileys :(
Also, Yahoo is just the best; some newbie can cum along and offer insane storage space but no other site gives u the infinite amount of fully integrated tools and recourses that yahoo provides.
Yahoo, ur definetly #1 but u g2 work on the servers and the browser support; and give us the beta!!!
Could you please send me an invite to Yahoo Mail Beta?
Where in Beta Yahoo is pop3? I am unable to find it.
I just tried to install this today and now I can't access my email account. Does anyone know how to uninstall it or how I can get support? Please respond to eparho@yahoo.com, which is a friend's email account. Thanks
Just tried using Yahoo's beta test email. Can't open any attachments even from previouse mail. Can't get new mail appearing on beta through old mail AND the Feedback function doesn't work.
Now I have email in beta that I can't open and can't move, no one to contact. This is not a good thing.
If you have contact info for Yahoo on their beta test, please email to me at stevedwheeler@yahoo.com. I am switching back
I've been with Yahoo! for ages, but today I clicked to try the Mail Beta version. Now I can't log-in my Yahoo account. It's very frustrating. There is obviously a compatibility problem with my Mac and Mail Beta.
Any idea how to go back to Yahoo Mail classic?
What happened to the checkboxes for Unread/Read? Also, is there a way to load/display only 25 messages per page like in the regular Yahoo! Mail lets me do as opposed to downloading ALL 5107 messages in my Inbox! - very slow, ugh.
It would be great to try it out!! Thanks for the invite in advance :-)
The new beta looks great, I have been hearing rave reviews, would live to try it out. I would love an invite if at all possible. Thanks!
Sorry, just realized I put in the wrong email address. Would still love an invite.
The new interface looks very "cool," and I think a "wow" factor is possible, but I would still like to see simple synchronization between online and offline email.
If business users are to use a service like Yahoo Mail or Google Mail, I think easy mail, calendar, and contact synchronization is vital - and I don't see that here.
Better synchronization, and perhaps the ability to turn incoming email into an RSS feed, would increase the likelihood of a “wow” factor in my eyes.
Here is the response from Yahoo when I told them I tried their beta Mail and could not access my email account anymore and that I was also a Premium member: (pretty shitty if you ask me....) I advise people to stay away from this product until it has passed their beta stage otherwise you might find yourself in a precarious situation with your email account. Caveat emptor!
Thank you for writing to Yahoo! Mail Plus Customer Care.
We have received your inquiry regarding Yahoo! Mail, Address Book
Calendar. After reviewing your inquiry, it appears you are referring to
the new beta version. Although you have reached a support area of
Yahoo!, we are offering limited support for the new version while it is
in the beta stage. To offer feedback, comments and suggestions for the
new beta version, please visit:
You can get back to Yahoo mail classic by clicking on "go back".
Tried the "switch back" and all new mail showing in the beta test is lost when the old version shows up. Also, still can't open attachments in beta even some that came over on the old version.
Yahoo, is no help. It's like they threw the beta out and now no one will take responsibility. Do they think they're that good?
If there would be any invites that anyone would have would you mind sharing one my way. I would really like to try out the new Yahoo Mail.
Thanks in advance!
The search just does not seem to work for me in Yahoo! Beta. It won't retrieve anything older than a few months, yet I have email going back to February 2004! Anybody else having problems with search?
I've been using yahoo mail since I think it came out - 6, 8 ... naah maybe 10 yrs ago. Added a few here and there of whatever came along.. hotmail, gmail. But, always had my yahoo email. Its always been the easiest to access and use.
This new version looks very cool. I like the Outlook type interface, and would love to try it.
Its sad current users can't send out invites, and even more sad that old users have to be on a waiting list. I'd love to get an invite, if they decide to share some... :)
I was wondering if anyone had an extra invitation for the Yahoo! Mail beta?
I have Yahoo Beta for the past two weeks. One of my accounts has it and the other does not. Perhaps because one is a paid account?
Anyway, I am totally in love with the new Yahoo! I love being able to drag and drop, message preview, etc. I've been using Yahoo since it first came out and this beats gmail hands down.
I have it now because I'm a premium member..
Update, from http://help.yahoo.com/mail/ymail/gettingit/gettingit-01.html
Is the new Yahoo! Mail Beta free?
The Yahoo! Mail Beta is in very limited release but it will be available for free users. Mail Plus customers may get the Beta a bit sooner but free users will eventually get it also.
Hey this is why i think i have always beena yahoo fan, i will stick to it now no matter what... Ok now that i said this where is my invite (Y! id: souljointinc)...
Until I read this blog and thread, I was unaware that I was in such elite company to have received an invite from Yahoo! to switch to Mail Beta.
I have really enjoyed the features of Mail Beta, but I think I will switch -- for the time being -- to Mozilla Thunderbird.
Why? Well, the minues outweigh the pluses for now.
On the plus side:
-- The interface is indeed really cool for all the reasons noted above. I also like having the inbox open all the time, and I concur with the commentator who brought up that point.
-- I've been email-reader shopping for about two years now after using Yahoo! for the better part of a decade. Almost all the features I have wanted -- and more -- are in Yahoo! Mail Beta. I've tried Eudora (which is crummy with HTML emails, especially forwarding them), Thunderbird (which was OK, and may be my interim alternative), and a really poor email module in ACT! 2005, a generally disappointing update to the popular Customer Relationship Management (CRM) program.
-- I had no trouble with multiple POP addresses.
-- Setting up IMAP is on my to-do list, but not a high priority. I have not tried Beta with IMAP, nor do I know if Beta or the first release will support IMAP.
-- It would be really cool to have an import tool that would suck all the Eudora, Thunderbird, ACT! Mail, and any other email formats out of my hard drive and external hard drive and organizae them in Yahoo Mail!
-- Yahoo! used to have a "Y-Drive" plug-in that turned Yahoo! Briefcase into the user's Y-drive. I'd love to have that capability back when I use Yahoo! Mail.
On the minus side:
-- Beta for me, on several machines, was painfully slow. This was by far the biggest negative.
-- The next biggest negative was that Beta worked fine in Microsoft Explorer v.6.x, but was pretty unstable in Firefox v.1.0.7. Firefox could not even render all the graphics in the Yahoo! Mail Beta UI, although the functionality was there.
-- Did I mention that it was painfully slow?
-- The RSS module to add an RSS address failed every time.
-- I think I reported all this and a few more points on the feedback page to Yahoo!, so if anyone from Yahoo! is reading this comment, your organization should know most of this already.
I think I am going to reload Mozilla, but use it to just download all my aggregated mail accounts, which all forward to my Yahoo! Mail account. I'll keep trying Beta, and I'll switch back to it when the speed issue, if nothing else, is addressed. I have no idea what made Mossberg or PC Magzine -- and I read and am faithful to both of them -- think that Yahoo! Mail Beta was fast. Would a faster processor in my laptop help? How about a faster download? But I'm on cable broadband at home and a fractional T-1 line at the office. How much more faster downloads should I expect?
You can post here, or I would welcome private email responses at d_davidoff (at) yahoo (dot) com.
no body mentioned if they have invites to pass out or if the new yahoo beta mail doesn't work that way. I would really love to give it a try... especially since its not from Microsoft HAHAHAHA (no 300 spams a day)
cliffr39@ gmail.com
Looks excellent, any chance of getting an invite?
Many Thanks.
I wanted to know how to avoid the mail block that the school has done to still be able to read the mail.
I have been using Yahoo beta for several weeks, but for last few days it is completely hosed and unusable. Anyone know how to revert back to standard yahoo mail??
Many thanks!
Yahoo! wrote me back regarding the search problem with Beta. Here's the news:
We are aware of the issue and would like to offer
a workaround until we can get the issue resolved. In the interim, we
recommend using the View mode setting.
The View mode allows you to quickly and easily sort messages, rather
than having to search. To use this feature, please follow the steps
1. From the desired folder view, select the "All Messages" link under
the Folder name to access the drop down menu.
2. Select the desired option:
* All Messages
* Messages from My Contacts
* Messages from Unknown Senders
* Unread Messages
* Flagged Messages
* Messages with Attachments
OK, having tried Beta out for awhile now I must say it's simply not working for me. I have 10% of my 2Gigs of Yahoo! Mail Plus storage used (i.e. 200MB!) and searching it manually - as suggested above - is not a "workaround," it's just a bunch of work. :-|
The "loading" speed of Beta compared to the original Yahoo! Mail is much, MUCH slower as well (even more of an irritation to me than the lacking search. Nothing like having a high-speed connection - but dial-up response time - to annoy!).
Who is better: Yahoo! Mail Beta or Windows Live Mail Beta? I aready recived a invite to use Windows Live Mail Beta. Anyone could send a invitation to Yahoo! Mail Beta to me at luisfos7(at)yahoo(dot)com?
I'm yet to use the new Yahoo! Mail interface as well. Anyone with an invite please send me one.
nova3web (at) yahoo.com
I am reallyl excited about the new Yahoo mail. I currently use Yahoo mail but download everything to Thunderbird. I love Thunderbird except for the fact that every now and then it melts down. First meltdown wiped out all emails, second one wiped out all addresses. Reading their forums I see this is fairly common. So now I want to go to web mail only but's got to be reasonably fast and have good folder management and addressing systeem.
I have tried Outlook (yuck) Eudora (ancient compared with Thunderbird).
Hope Yahoo comes through soon!
Except for one MAJOR problem, I love it...
The problem is that it takes forever to get logged in... before, using the old interface, I typically would've already been through checking my mail and on to other things when I just getting logged into Yahoo! Mail Beta.
This would really be bad if it was being accessed via dial-up instead of via DSL...
The Yahoo mail beta seems to be getting slower and slower. Indeed, it borders on the unusable. I'm ready to revert to the old format ... a shame since the new one seemed to have such potential. I would have thought the beta would be improving rather than deteriorating by now.
Regarding the s l o w n e s s of Beta in comparison to the original Yahoo! Mail, it seems to me this is primarily caused by Beta loading ALL the messages in ALL the folders as opposed to just the most recent. Why isn't there an option for this? (for example, load only the most recent 25 from each folder). I don't need all my messages going back to 2004 unless I'm searcing for something in particular. It'd be nice if there was a "Get Next 50, 100, 500, All Messages" type interface that could do this. Limiting the amount of messages retrieved would greatly speed up Beta.
If there are any invites to yahoo mail beta, I would love the oppurtunity. I have asked Yahoo numerous times with no success. The new features would make my life a lot easier.
i have been a yahoo mail user for several years. i d love to give it a try. someone with an extra invitation please send me. thanks a lot...
The updated Y! Mail Beta review is available at http://301url.com/new-y-mail-beta-review
I have not been able to access my (non-beta) Yahoo account for over a week. When I try to log in I get a message to say Yahoo Mail Beta is not available, and also a link back to Original Yahoo Mail. When I click the link I just get the same page again.
I can access "My Yahoo", but the email link from there just gets me back to the above message.
Yahoo don't reply to my requests for help.
What can I do?
Ok So I know I am a little out of the loop here and I do not even know what a beta / non beta yahoo is, but my same ol yahoo account that I have relied on so heavily will not let me in. Apparently my zip code was either entered wrong initially, someone somehow changed that and my password, or I need to change something else? Any thoughts? Please help. Thank you
(I did not spell my name wrong, it seriously has two ee's and sounds like queen with a G)
May I please have an Invite for the Yahoo Beta email?
Here's my two good addy's.......
I also have over 100 GMAIL Invites if anyone would like one! Just be SURE to send your request to the tamaraokc@gmail.com addy and put GMAIL INVITE in the Subject line or you probably won't get one. OK? OK! *LOL*
I, too, would love to have the opportunity to try out the Yahoo! Mail beta. I've always loved the fact that Yahoo's mail system was much less graphics intensive than Hotmail or other competitors... and I hope they iron out the kinks and make this even better.
Also, I am disappointed to hear that it's a royal pain to seperate my yahoo mail from my sbc account, since I joined them to take advantage of POP3 access. Hope they fix that as well.
If such an "invite" to Yahoo! Mail beta exists, I'd love to have one: "adambyte" doobeedoo "yahoo.com"
Love to try the new Beta.....only complaint I have with Yahoo mail now is it soooooo slow in opening messages.
I just got the new yahoo mail & I don't really see what the differance is. But I can tell that when I try to add photos or files it cuts off! Then it has me to send a error report. I whant my old yahoo back
Any idea when it will be out of beta stage? Been on the waiting list for a looong time. Curious to try it out.
I have YAHOO PLUS now for 2 days and it is not good. I can not acces by webmail and not by pop3 (outlook, eudora, etc)
I am now mailing with YAHOO support and they just send me standard emails back.
Example: I tell all the things i have done (refresh, relogin, delete cookies, etc,)
The 2nd mail is a mail with the nice text: Try to refresh (F5) or logout and login again ..................
Server error: maildrop busy
No i am not login on the webmail and then want to exces by outlook.
I try it at somebodys other PC i still have the same problem.
So $19,95 for 2 days.
A not happy YAHOO PLUS user
The new yahoo mail is just a 'desktop experience' rip off. They have taken no steps forward, only looked upon the ideas of others and emulated them. Gmail on the other hand has taken email to a better faster level. With fast, efficient, and easy to use mail features its no wonder so many people are switching to it. Yahoos desktop copy is just as bulky as their desktop versions. Gmail allows people with high volumes of emails to quickly search, sort, star, or otherwise make notible in a quick manner without having to scroll down forever. Gmail spam and anti phishing features are far superior than yahoos and keep the wandering mouse away from the naughty id theft links.
Why the heck does the new mail still load a useless welcome message instead of showing the contents of the inbox? It seems to me that the developers, PMs, etc. should understand that this doesn't help the user at all, so there must be some reason...
I first surprise by this yahoomail version, but felt happy that i have an excellent mail page . It is very comfortable ,enjoyable mail version which don't required to hit strong to mailing icons and with short keys it is now more easy to operate .This is the best i got from Yahoo! Mail Service .
i am suprised that yahoo is going to change i thought they liked it as it was but i like it. it is more organised
Just tried the new Yahoo Beta Email - I quickly changed back to the old one. Have been a constant user since the late 1990's and, although the interface is a bit clunky, it was designed for modem speeds and is therefore fast and serves my need for quick uncluttered. The Beta product looks nice, but suffers from code bloat and overzealous partitioning of the screen-space: as I use the free product there were at least 4 adverts on the screen including a hugely annoying animated one filling a complete 1" strip down the right hand side. There was very little screen real-estate left for mail-related stuff on my laptop. Time to update my ad-blocker if it ever becomes the mandatory interface.
Please give me an invite for the yahoo mail beta.
Best Regards
Hi, I have just upgraded to yahoo mail beta but can't find any invites. I had an option when I logged in. Try clicking on 'Whats new' and it takes you to a beta mail site. I found a way some how but don't remember it. The Upgrade is superb. With full Firefox support it meets with my approval. The multi tab support feature is great and, for a unsure user, the upgrade is easy to handel with a similar yet better layout.
As for a responce about Email programs not recognising the POP3 server, I've had that problem. If you have signed up to a .NET passport (eg. MSN) email clients such as outlook won't work. I've tested it with accountsa with a passport and accounts without. Coincidence? I think not!
Enjoy the new Yahoo mail as it is a superb improvement!
I don´t see a comparison between Gmail and Yahoo! Beta. They are 2 very different packages that will appeal to different user markets. Gmail´s aim is to group emails in a conversation forum-like thread for better oganization of "connected" emails and to also provide inline chat (without launching a separate IM client) with other gmail contacts. Gmail is about communicating more naturally. I can also index my Gmail with Google Desktop for more comprehensive data searches across all my archives. I also have Yahoo! Beta. And while it is a huge improvement over the regular Yahoo! email, I don't see many reasons to switch from Gmail to Yahoo! Maybe I will later but not at the moment.
Can any one help me pl.?
For some reason, I can't open my yahoo email account, every time when I sign-in it is redirecting to "Coming soon to a screen near you!" page which has the following url "http://us.f388.mail.yahoo.com/dc/uninvited". But I'm able to change my account settings and chat every thing is working except email.
The message on the page is..
"Bummer. It doesn't look like the new Yahoo! Mail Beta is available for you just yet. It's nothing personal, we promise -- we're simply rolling it out gradually for the time-being. But rest assured you can get your hot-little hands on it soon.
In the meantime, sign up on the beta waiting list and we'll keep you posted on release dates.
For now, you can check your email in the original Yahoo! Mail.
Even if I click on Original Yahoo Mail it is displaying the page again again.
So, Can any one help me on this?
Thanks in Advance
I kind of like the new Yahoo Mail. Holding down control or shift to quickly select multiple emails to detail is a bit awkward for something you do all the time, especially if you're working with a naff keyboard on a public kiosk somewhere. Something you occasionally do when checking email. Can't they keep the checkboxes as well and just fire the same select event as ctrl+click (without the pause fetching that email)?
Thats my only gripe.
Also, please Yahoo (or Google or maybe even Microsoft) buy out Mail.com and apply your interface to all their cool domains. No more John437689@Yahoo.com
hi just wanted to try out yahoo beta.wounder if u can send me one
The new Yahoo! Mail Beta is great.
One thing which was probably overlooked... Say I have my "@Yahoo.com" email and I have a few "@MyDomain.com" email address within Yahoo! Mail, there used to be an option to switch in between the accounts. I may have just missed it... but I don't see it...
If you have any info, let me know...
Any reason why Yahoo unceremoniously stopped the beta without telling those of us who were using it?
I *loved* the new Yahoo mail and was close to giving up on gmail for it...then last week, POOF! I was back to regular Yahoo mail without so much as an email or announcement.
The GMail layout offers a gray font preview of the first few words of email text. This is a great way for being able to see which emails are spam email without having to actually click on them to find out. To my eyes, it looks like there's plenty of space in both the original and Beta Yahoo! Mail layouts to add a similar preview. Any reason why not?
I am currently testing Microsoft Internet Explorer 7 Beta Version and would very much like to try Yahoo's beta version; however, I receive a notice from Yahoo that Explorer 7 is not supported. Do you know of any workaround? I really hate to download another browser.
i'm very interested in getting the new yahoo beta mail.
Any invations yet?
For those that want a yahoo beta account, just change it yourself. You can search for one of the forum boards that has detailed instructions, or I've tried to put together what I remember previously:
From the mail page, hit Options. Then Account Information.
Then Edit Personal Info (or something similar if you're on another interface).
Change your country to something else (like English - UK). Save exit. Then log into Yahoo mail and you should get the option for classic or the new beta. (Make sure to go back and change back to your original country).
The above should work for all but SBC/Yahoo accounts.
Or better yet, just keep trying. They are in the process of rolling out the beta to a larger group in the next several days.
Is there any invitation given to beta testers except from yahoo? I would like to have an invitation from those who have it. my email: danny012_2632292 (@) yahoo.com
this is the best thing that happen to email, lot more access ability, mass deleting, this is so easliy to be figure out. lay out is great compare to Aol and the rest of them.
For those that still haven't figured it out, go to the Options page. Towards the top right is a banner that says that the new beta has arrived. Click that to try the new beta.
FWIW, it is kind of a clunky interface. It looks nice, but is slow to load, doesn't give you need options (like automark read when displaying in reading panel), and sometimes shows no messages at all. Definitely a work in progress.
The new Yahoo mail plus tries to replacate outlook - but what would really give the service a bang seamless intergration with a wireless device (like Blackberry Enterprise servce/MS Exchang) with e-mail and calendar functions.
I'm a paying Yahoo Mail customer, I'd be happy to pay for that kind of service, without having to move my e-mail address.
Hey guys, I would love to be invited for this new mail. I am an old pal of Yahoo and I really don't want to change it.
Bassam from Baghdad
Can't make the "reply-all" to work in the Beta. Any solutions?
Is there any help available from yahoo?
when in yahoo beta, select a msg,
when u press letter a
reply all happens!
press r reply to sender happens
When I created my Yahoo account all was well until this "beta-crap" that I never agreed to par-take in.I have notified,notified,notified,notified and still I can't delete incoming garbage,or move messages to other folders.First I thought it was my browser,But it wasn't the case.I have Mozilla,Opera,IE and finally I thought I had beaten all of the crap that I have been experiencing,when I just get let down again.It does not appear that Yahoo really cares whats going on.The only thing they offer is clearing the browsers cache.Well this,my freinds was ingenious,but completely ineffective.Is there an answer to this problem that anyone knows?
So far I have to say that I'm fairly impressed with Yahoo Mail Beta overall. The interface is getting faster and more functional with each release.
There are however a few things they need to improve upon.
Spell check needs work. Check out gmail's spell check and you get the idea.
Allow the user more fonts to choose from when writing emails.
Decrease the size of the banner adds.
Yahoo mail beta is really good. I like the outlook express desktop look and feel.
Go yahoo go.
Sadly to say, the new Yahoo interface does not support IE7 beta yet.
All fans I see .... well, I am not. Since the new yahoo is there I cannot enter my mail anymore. I can log into my account, but there it stops. Nor can I reach the mail-help function, both attempts to get to the next page give an error message: the page cannot be found as the site is having technical problems etc etc. Great! Does someone have any idea what might be wrong?
To get Yahoo Mail Beta, just switch your content preference to Germany, France or UK. Then you will be asked if you want to join the beta when you log into your Yahoo Mail. Say yes, and join the beta. Then from the options menu, change your content preference what it was before. Then go to Yahoo Mail again. You should see Yahoo Beta. If you don't see it, go to options and click "Try Beta" button. That's all.
How to change your content preference:
* log in to Yahoo Mail
* click Options
* select Account information from the left panel
* go to Member Information, General Preferences, Preferred Content
* select, for example, Yahoo UK
* click Finished
* go to Yahoo Mail
* you'll see a page that says "It's the New Yahoo! Mail Beta... and you're invited."
* click on "Try Beta Now".
dear sir,please give me an invite for the yahoo beta.
thank you.
Slo-----w. Almost impossible to access my mail. I was blaming it on my dial-up, but it was the same on my sister's high speed.
Been on Rogers in Canada, we have had the beta for a while now.
Generally it has been great. Can totally see it replacing my outlook once some bugs are worked out. the only thaat seems to be popping up - seeminly all the time now - is an "unkown error - try again". when it does it's automatic check. This was not happening at first. I am assuming as more people on Rogers is trying it - it might be overloading their system. but the interfact is excellent.
its awesome !!!! the new look of yahoo reallly force everyone to use yahoo mail.I would like to get invite from yahoo team so that i can use it.Its really a good one.
I tried it out and it was too slow. I like the interface but they have got to do something about the speed. I check my email every 10 min or so. If they would just give us POP back then I think I would be happier. I love my gmail account, but too hard to switch everything over.
Yahoo Beta needs some work before a complete switch.
dear sir,
Please give me an invite for the yahoo mail beta.
It seems to be End Of Days for Microsoft as Google and Yahoo are trying to Outbeat him.It is better that Microsoft too concentrates on hotmail
i really hate it. only because it is soooooooooooooooooo slow. i go through at LEAST 50 emails a day and now it's very time consuming. i want my old one back and i don't know how to do it. i've been looking for a way to switch back without losing mail and i just can't find it. so if you know how PLEEEEEEEEEASE HELP ME SWITCH BACK! at least until it's a little smoother and faster. THANKS!!
dear sir,
Please give me an invite for the yahoo mail beta. i very interest mail beta plz give me sir.
thank you.
It would be nice if instead of going straight to an email message when you click on it from the front page that it instead just went to the preview messages window and the message you clicked on was in the preview window.
I hope someone can help me cause I have been trying to install the new yahoo mail beta and I can't seem to.Everytime I try to I get this message,"couldn't open mailbox"and I can't get a sensible answer from anyone with yahoo customer care.Please tell what can I do to be able to use it.Thanks so much. :-)
I'm one of those who have Beta, didn't ask for it, don't want it' can' get rid of it.
I, too, want my old account back. I don't WANT Beta: I've tried it but it feels too cramped to me - I feel I want to push things out of the way to see my message content more clearly.
But I'm stuck in the 'classic no-frames' version and I want to get back to 'classic frames'. This happened in June 2006 (no idea why or how) and I've spent the last 2 months trying to get it put right. Yahoo haven't managed it - they send me lots of 'help' text and claim to have reconfigured my account (whatever that means)and say it's working properly - but I can't get out of the 'no frames' version! HELP!
PS to Al Smith: Running the 'no frames' account under Internet Explorer gives me Beta with 3 options top left, one of which is 'Switch Back'. I daren't, in case I'm stuck in 'no-frames' on IE too, but it might work for you.
I've been puttering around the new beta for two days now, using it alongside Outlook and Gmail. It has some shortcomings but I'm just about ready to switch over full time.
The biggest complaint I see in reviews and blog posts/comments is that it's slow. While I do agree there is a bit of latency, to me it's outweighed by the efficiency I can enjoy in managing Contacts, dealing with spam, etc. Three or 5 seconds on login isn't much compared with being able to be more efficient over-all.
The new yahoo email page only gives access to the Inbox and Bulk mail. Where did all my mail folders go. I can send mail to them but can't access any of the folders. I have asked Customer support but all I get is a canned reply. Give me back my old Yahoo!
Great review Jeremy!!
I'm going to put this on my blog ASAP...ok, maybe by tomorrow. :-)
Here's my take:
I was/am a BIG Yahoo.ca email user who uses (more like addicted) GMail as my main addy. I still have the account at Yahoo.ca though. Now, I also had a Yahoo.com account but then they "quietly" stopped allowing users to forward emails to other email addresses. Remember that?? Plus, they "quietly" stopped allowing you to download your Yahoo.com mail to your favourite email client. BTW, Yahoo.ca & Yahoo.co.uk accounts still allow you to do forwarding and POP3 downloads. I hope this doesn't create a big commotion. :-)
Any how, I tried the new Yahoo.ca Beta, and it wasn't bad at all...but slooooow. Of course, I'm here in Nairoberry (er Nairobi, Kenya) with sh!tty Internet access paying $120 for a shared 128K WIRELESS (ahem!) broadband connection. To conclude, I'm sticking with GMail. The interface is clean, functional and I'm "sooooooo" productive. Heck, I used to be an email client (Thunderbird, Outlook Express) "mega whore" but I don't feel the urge to use one any more. I did give GMail a slap in the face when it was giving me problems logging in a few months ago, but the service is working quite well these days. Oh, I much prefer text ads to bandwith-hogging flash ads, images and what not. And yes, Yahoo had GMail as a reference so it's no surprise if they did "1-up" them. Big deal! I'm sure the NEXT GMail release will do the same thing. Right?
Keep up the great posts.
Max (IT Consultant, Entrepreneur - Ottawa, Toronto, Nairobi, Barbados)
AyoAfrica.com - "It's not a website; it's another world."
I had Yahoo Beta-mail and somehow got switched back??? I want it back to Beta-mail...what do I do???
Why is obvious spam not filtered out? I still have to manually delete lottery emails, 419 scams etc. Reporting spam seems to do no good at all.
I've used yahoo for quiet a long time now and I want someone to help to configure, how to received my yahoo mails at IncrediMail.
How to get my old version or screen of yahoo mail?
Sloo-ooow if you dialup! Takes 420 Kb to load the interface-and this isn't just the first time you log in!
The interface doesn't cache.
I live outside broadband internet. I want my email faster than Yahoo!
If they make a desktop interface available as a once-only download, I'll re-switch to new Yahoo email. If they get rid of the old interface, I'll have to stop using Yahoo mail altogether.
Life's too short.
i Got to try the new yahoo mail beta its the best lol. its all its cracked up to be. YAY!!
I think the new yahoo beta mail sucks!!! I downloaded it and now cannot access my email! what is up with this crap? I'm very disappointed in Yahoo
A couple of months ago I switched to Gmail but I still keep my yahoo account open. I have prefered Gmail because it is faster and has the grouping of the emails, so there is no need to open a separate email from the same person, it is all grouped in one email. I also love the Gmail chat because you can have a normal conversation like on MSN or Yahoo! messenger without downloading any new software. It may not be as good but it is a great feature to have.
Yahoo! mail beta does look better than before but I think I'd stick with Gmail for the time being. I won't abandon my 6 year old yahoo mail account though.
I tried the beta version yesterday. Since then, I ahave not been allowed to access the beta mail, my regular Yahoo mail, or My Yahoo page. I am not not able to contact customer because I can't login. Can anyone of you provide an email address for Yahoo Customer Support?
hi there...
Yahoo! Mail Beta gives a good features. i like it a lot on composing mails that can apply short-cut-keys used in MsWord.
But there is one downside of it... i just discovered that when the function keys Ctrl+U, Ctrl+I and Ctrl+B is used, it cant be reset back(when the function keys are pressed again) to normal mode after pressing enter (go to the next line)..
it can only be reset back after writing a letter in the next line or before being entered to next line.
just a very minor inconvenience that i found out when i compose the mail.
keep up the good work....
Yahoo have problems the mail is currently running slower than glue.
I would like to add that I want to write to yahoo to tell them but can not find a contact email anywhere. If you can post an email address here I would be grateful. However I am not sure how I will write as re my last comment I can not access my mail.
Yahoo Beta is excellent and even works in India not only in US. Amazing dragging features and much more !!!!!!!!!!!!!!! you will certainly enjoy it.
I'd really like to see how it look like 'cos many people have been telling me a lot about this new yahoomail beta, I'm yet to see its best.
I have used yahoo mail beta. You know what happened? Temporary mail access problem for the past 1 week. Beware you may loose your emails in Inbox.Let things settle.
I copy a chance to use the Yahoo Mail Beta
And I DID NOT LIKE IT! It is not intutive, and the look and feel is so different from the previous that the learning curve is quite steep, at least it was for me! I do not like the side bar advertisement starring me in the face as I read email. I felt that it tried to "re-invent the wheel" or copy to many other ideas and not be original and stick with what they created. The speed was alot slower, in every respect, loading the program to getting mail. Nice try,,,, but go back to the tablet and try again!
The yahoo beta mail is not working on my computer at home. I am so frustrated, I can not find a way to change it back. When I log in, I get an error message and my computer gets tied up. I have no way of accessing my mail at home!
Awful experience with the beta version, after launch I can't access mail without re-booting which leads to another
lock out and another re-boot. How do I get back to the old version? PLEASE!
I thought this new version of yahoo mail would have been great. But PLEASE tell me how to get my old version back. With the old one at least I had no problem in going to my address and clicking each one to forward mail...2ndly I cannot work out how to put certain mail into my other folders. There is no way to tick beside each one and no drop of list to say where you want your mail sent to. I WANT MY OLD VERSION BACK PLEASE
You can always go back to the old mail. Under where it says "Welcome, yourname" at the top of your Yahoo! Mail page, there's a "Switch Back" link. Click "Switch Back" to go back to the Yahoo! Mail version you're already familiar with :)
Tried the new beta Mail and it blocked me from login in, and now I am totally unable to access or read my e-mails. Does anybody know how to fix this problem???
I tried the new yahoo mail beta on11/10/06 and since then I can't access my original yahoo mail neither yahoo mail beta. I keep getting a log in error and am going crazy.......... please help me people beware..
I signed up for the new yahoo beta mail and now I can no longer log in at all and I can't get a hold of anybody to help and I have had the same email with them for almost 10 years I am toally cheesed, trying to contact there security department now all I am getting is an automated reponce I highly suggest people wait until they work out all the glitches
A'm How can you take the Yahoo Beta off your account,because Ithought what it was and Iwasn't ecepting what will happen.
Please i do not understand how my e-mail address went to yahoo mail beta i just see that my e-mail is there i want to go back to my YAHOO MAIL PLEASE FOR GODS SAKE
I had given up on Yahoo and decided GMail was the way to go. Now that I've seen Yahoo Mail Beta, I just created a new account.
My daughters of 7 and 10, did not find GMail easy at all. Even after coaching them, they still have trouble.
But they were moving thru Yahoo mail like a hot knife through butter.
Hi Jeremy,
I don't know what's going on with Yahoo! Mail today - both the original and Beta are rendering now any HTML included in an email (for example, if your're sending code samples) not as text (like it always has), but as HTML! Hopefully this is just a glitch.
also - email addresses contained in the body of a message are no longer hyperlinked, just render as text
I am so frustrated - I can't log into my account! It just keeps reverting to the sign in page when I type my info in... I don't know what to do.
After spending over an hour on the phone with Yahoo! tech support, as well as having my ticket escalted three times to engineering, since Nov. 15th my Yahoo! Mail has been messed up. Here's some of what I've noticed has changed:
Options -> General Preferences -> Messages -> Yahoo! Shortcuts
Select "Do not show me Yahoo! Shortcuts" if you want to see your incoming email *closer* to the way it used to be.
However when replying, something has changed so that the standard preceding > symbols used to offset the original message are no longer there.
For example,
> this is a test
as opposed to
this is a test
If anybody knows how to re-enable them, could you please post that info here?
I just got off the phone with Yahoo! tech support and unfortunately it looks like Yahoo! has removed the standard email reply format and replaced it with a vertical blue line. So if you're wondering what happened to email replies that looked like the following and were easy to edit around. They're gone. :-(
--- Yahoo! Mail Plus Customer Care
> Thank you for contacting Yahoo! Customer Care.
> We received your question
> and the wheels of progress are in motion. A
> support rep will get back to
> you as soon as possible. In the meantime,
> please visit our online help
> center (http://help.yahoo.com/), if you have
> not already done so. You'll
> find a lot of good information there.
Correction. It looks like it still is possible to have the standard reply format *BUT* now you have to select it (wish Yahoo! had announced these changes...).
Options -> General Preferences -> Message Actions -> Replying -> Include full original message when replying
Does Yahoo or Yahoo Mail Plus support IMAP connectivity ? If so, where can I get the settings ?
My Yahoo mail beta doesn't work with Firefox as with IE in this case:
Address field when compose or reply mail..
When I type one letter in address field it appear list of all my addresses which begin with this letter, so I can just choose address without typing it.
It works with IE but not with Firefox.
thanks for your time to answer
I made the mistake of trying Yahoo Beta - now, when I try to log in to Mail, it gives me a blank white screen that says "Loading Mail" in the center. I know good and well I don't have so much mail that it takes 30 minutes to come up, so what is wrong with this crazy thing?! It worked fine in the older style Yahoo until I made the mistake of trying the Beta... And more importantly, how can I get it to go back to the way it was? Am I simply going to have to try to access Mail before I leave work and then leave my computer to run all night so I can read my mail the next morning?! Any help you can give will be appreciated.
Hello again
Got some new problems to get into my mailbox......(BETA)
Yahoo error code -2146823281
Txs for your help
I'm disappointed with Yahoo Mail Beta. When I tick a box in the address book and then 'compose' the address does not come up in the compose page, as it does in Outlook Express. I also cannot get my signature on outgoing messages without also showing my e-mail address.
Could it be that I am too early into Beta?
something seriously wrong with yahoo mail's search option... i couldn't get any response on any anything...
Does Yahoo mail maintain my emails after I delete them like I understand Google does? If so is that also true if I delete my yahoo account?
I have had a Yahoo mail account for years and just switched to the Beta version ... LOVE IT! For you folks who want to try it out ... see if this advise works. Good luck!
This is just what we needed from Yahoo.The new Yahoo is damn fast,it is unbelievable.This is good service chaps!
the new yahoo e mail sucks- i cant reply to the mails i receive
why can i not reply to my mails
i hit reply and it just shows loading but nothing happens
do i need to set up a new address
Type your comment here.
After you submit the comment, check your email. There will be
a link you need to click to make your comment visible.
Your email address WILL NOT appear on the site, so don't worry
about being anonymous, even if you think you are.
I switched and email account to the New Yahoo - and I really wish that I had not switched. It is not an intuitive account. I also have a gmail account, and new yahoo is NOT as easy to learn. Does anyone know how to go back to the old Yahoo?
I am having problems with the new Yahoo mail...today it won't let me delete messages and does not mark them 'read' and if I get new messages while in there it does not add them to the inbox, I have to open it in a new browser window...it was fine for a week or so but now I guess its my turn to have the thing turn ugly on me. And it will NOT let me change back to the old style. This is not making me happy!
So this is way off topic. Did you work at WSU? If so we may remember each other. Please contact me.
Don Tillman
Connie & Hoocher,
If you want to switch back to classic view, once you're signed in, it's at the top right above your inbox tab. It says "Sign out, My Account, Mail Classic"
Hope that helps.
I appear be alone, but I find the obstructive, ad-ridden process to simply navigate to your inbox on Yahoo mail irksome. Gmail is much faster. When I open Gmail I am immediately in my inbox, but to get to the same place in Yahoo mail requires about 4 pages, each with its painful advertisement, to be loaded. And sometimes the page "sticks" on some irelevant ad for British Gas or some other product I'm not the in slightest interested.
There are lots of questions here, where do we go to for the answers?
How can I change the setup of my email to the new yahoo setup?
I think the new yahoo beta mail sucks , you can't delete all messages at once, and can't see the whole message, and it won't go back to clasic veiw at the bottom of the mail script it just says done or javascript error.
The new Yahoo mail is terrible. You can't do anything with it; delete, forward, reply, open to a larger view, sign out or go back to classic mail. Once you have updated to the new version you are stuck with something that does not work, this really sucks!!
hi i wish u all to be fine
i have abig problem my mail has turned to new mail classic and after that i cant read emails that contain arabic language its shown as codes and marks in the messege i have send and email to yahoo support system and they tell me that everything depend on the encoding characters to use the unicode utf 8 and nothing work what can i do
i want to reset the mail to original calssic mail ????
please help
i love the new yahoo mail but all of a suuden it stopped letting me text people why is that? and i made 2 other accounts and those ones wont let me either and i really need it to work becuz i cant text on my phone please tell me what i can do to make it work again?
I've used gmail and don't like it. It groups related mails into 'conversations' and if you try and delete one it deletes the lot - which isn't what I want! Also, it doesn't allow me to create different folders for different groups of mail - for different friends, for example, Google think it's better to flag them with different colours. I don't agree; I don't want dozens of old mails cluttering up my inbox, but I don't want to delete them either. The only way I can use gmail is to use Outlook as a front end and move all mails into it from gmail, where I can do what I want with them. I've also tried the new Yahoo mail and it's much better - but unusable for me as it's so painfully slow to load anything (I can't get broadband where I live, I have a slow dial-up connection). Result - I've gone back to Yahoo Mail Classic. I'll use the new Yahoo Mail when they manage to make it faster.
What does yahoo do with your emails if you dont access your account for awhile? How long do they wait to close your account?
Since i started using this new interface it has been alot of funn hangin out with my friends and meeting new people.
It's all show. The new interface and all, it lacks guts, really. Peep this article which pretty much explains why they still fail:
how do i get back to the older version of yahoo mail classic.It got updated my mistake.how do i get back.Please help
The reason I am staying with Yahoo Classic rather than switching to Yahoo New Mail is that Yahoo New Mail does not allow you to roll over an e-mail and see its senders address.
I use this when I check my SPAM folder to see if I recognize the source. With Yahoo New Mail I would have to open the e-mail to see the sender address - and by that time I would have confirmed my receipt to the spam mail sender.
Otherwise I really like Yahoo New Mail.
Is there any reason why the sender address roll over capability has been eliminated?
Am I the only one concerned about the delightful dangers awaiting the typical user of Browser "plus"?
Browser "plus" is in the tank with AIR and SilverLight. Most interweb users unknowingly operate in an admin context.
Oh the joy.
@ Ravi Dronamraju
"without clicking each one"
@ Mike
"switch from Gmail (back?) to Y!Mail"
It's likely as gmail has not yet resolved TLS issues with yahoo plus smtp.
@ carlo zottmann
What role do you play?
I am hoping yahoo will allow all webmail users access to AddressGuard; integrated Disposable Email Address (DEA) service is a wise step.
I prefer gmail to yahoo mail for certain 419 applications: gmail does not reveal my IP address in headers whereas yahoo does. Yahoo mail needs more powerful search options.
I am VEXED by yahoo captcha'ing me for sending rich text email from THEIR rich text compose pane!
Why does no one include inbox.com in these comparisons?
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i think the new yahoo beta is TERRIBLE - hard to operate - cumbersome - time consuming - what is this "handy viewing pane?" bad move - keep it simple stupid - dont' make it more complicated
ok as you read my name is christiana and i dont know if any body else agree with me but i like the old yahoo better beacause its simple and easy to opatate.
NEED SOME HELP with my yahoo mails - I have an existing yahoo.co.in account where my chat box was closed permanently saying that i have logged in from some other computer which according to me i have not as i always log out; anyways with no solution coming up i opened a new ymail account and i want to transfer all my emails from my previous inbox to my new mail account so that i can just close the previous account. Can somebody please tell me - HOW CAN I DO SO - i mean transfer mails???
Hi, I keep getting e amils stating I have to give Yahoo my name, password, and other very personal info or they say my account is inactive. How can that be when I use it everyday? I feel that someone is trying to hack into my pc. What do I do? No one else in my household is getting these e amils