Lake Tahoe from 13,000 Feet
Originally uploaded by jzawodn.

Not a bad way to spend the Sunday of Labor Day weekend, if I do say so myself.

Scott and I took up the BASA DG-1000 and had a decent 3.2 hour flight. We released at 8,400 over the hot rocks, thermalled up to about 13,000 before punching into wave near Northstar.

From there we explored the wave for a few hours and shot a few pictures. It was chily up there, but it's getting to be late in the season.

Here's hoping we get to fly again tomorrow... :-)

Posted by flickr at September 04, 2005 09:00 PM

Reader Comments
# Lana said:

Nice shot, Jeremy! I love that part of the country and have photographed it extensively -- just not from the air!

on September 5, 2005 07:31 AM
# Michael said:

Nice picture, Jeremy! Lana, you may share your photos with us!

on September 5, 2005 09:25 AM
# Peter Pentchev said:

I *surely* hope you meant to start that post with "*Not* a bad way..." :)

on September 5, 2005 09:59 AM
# pmp said:

Did you make it to Burning Man? Lots of airplanes coming and going from there these days.

on September 5, 2005 08:04 PM
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