One of the most mind-blowing presentations I've seen in the last
year was in a medium sized conference room, less than a 2 minute walk
from my desk at work. Marc Davis of the
UC Berkeley School of Information Management
and System had come to tell a group of about 25 Yahoos about the
research that he and his students have been doing as part of Garage Cinema
As the Garage Cinema site says:
Garage Cinema is doing cutting edge research in media metadata, context-aware mobile media applications, automated media capture, automatic media editing, and the social uses of personal media.
During the two and half hours in that room our minds were exposed to some very interesting research, prototypes, and most importantly big ideas. They had been doing some seriously cool work. It was so good that we asked Marc to come back a few more times.
As Bradley Horowitz writes on the Yahoo! Search blog:
Marc’s research has that "it" factor -- inevitably, it leaves me wondering "Why didn’t I think of that?" His work lives at the nexus of the field’s most exciting areas: social computing, context-aware computing, mobile and media.
Marc and his team have joined Yahoo to form the basis of Yahoo! Research Labs -- Berkeley. This is most excellent news. I can't wait to visit them.
Job Stuff
Speaking of excellent news... As of a few days ago, I'm part of the newly formed "Technology Development" group in Yahoo! Search. That means I'll work closely with Bradley and some other amazing folks that I've come to know in last... wow, has it been almost a year since I re-joined Yahoo! Search?
We are, of course, looking for bright folks with a variety of interests and skills as the team grows. Feel free to shoot me a resume or e-mail if you're interested. Among other things, we'll be working with Marc's team and many others to investigate, evangelize, prototype, hack, and generally encourage the development and use of new technology and ideas.
Posted by jzawodn at July 15, 2005 07:34 AM | edit
Just went through the MMM2 video on the Garage Cinema Research page and must say that is all pretty cool. Really makes you think of data differently. I mean if I take a picture between 9-5 Monday -Friday, chances are I am at work so I would want to share it with co-workers....simple idea, but very cool.
Another job? Man, you must really irritate your co-workers to be shuffled around so much. :)