Greg Linden took a look at Yahoo! MindSet and said the following:

I'm surprised to see this focus on sliders. They aren't particularly useful. They fail the grandma test. Most novice users will not use or understand the slider; they just want the top result to be useful. It's not even that useful to power users since sliders fail to provide the level of granularity they need.

First off, I think he missed the point. This isn't about producing a user interface that his grandmother will use on a daily basis. It's about testing some new technology that the folks in Yahoo! Labs built to see what sort of things it's useful for outside of the lab.

Secondly, Greg alludes to the fact that users want more granularity right after saying that novice users just want the top result to be useful. I'm confused by that.

Update: It seems that a good discussion has taken place in the comments since I wrote this.

Posted by jzawodn at June 05, 2005 04:49 PM

Reader Comments
# Philip Tellis said:
on June 6, 2005 02:12 AM
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