In about 5 hours I hop on a flight from San Jose to Japan. I'm visiting Yahoo! Japan for a few days. I'll arrive Friday evening and am participating in a Search Symposium that Y! Japan is hosting on Saturday. I'll give two brief presentations about Search and be there to answer questions.

I think I'm on my own Sunday, so if the weather cooperates I'll probably get a one day subway pass and roam the city a bit. Tokyo happens to be quite friendly to non-Japanese speaking visitors--well, at least those who can read or speak English. There are lots of dual language signs. Maybe I'll find the Japanese version of my book in a bookstore. :-)


Monday I'm in the Y! Japan office for most of the day before I catch my 6pm flight back home. Amusingly, I'll arrive home before I left. Aren't time zones funny?

I'll try to post some pictures while I'm gone. If I'm lucky my sleep schedule won't be too screwed up.

Posted by jzawodn at March 03, 2005 07:08 AM | edit

Reader Comments
# dan isaacs said:

That was cute. You said "sleep schedule" as if you had a clue about what that was. :)

on March 3, 2005 08:31 AM
# Tatsuhiko Miyagawa said:

See you Saturday in Roppongi Hills!
I'll bring your MySQL book (English ver.) to have your autograph on it :)

on March 3, 2005 09:33 AM
# Damon said:

Good luck on not getting jet lagged. Since you are there for such a short amount of time, it might not be too bad. I was there for 10 days recently and it took me two weeks to get back to normal, and I've never been bothered by jet lag before. Of course, I probably compounded it by only sleeping 4 hours in 48 by the time I got back home.

on March 3, 2005 09:47 AM
# Security advisor for Yahoo said:

Japan is cold this time of year.. Colder than the UK is at the moment, and thats cold! :-)

on March 3, 2005 12:50 PM
# Security advisor for Yahoo said:

Side note: Unban my alias.

on March 3, 2005 12:55 PM
# Security advisor for Yahoo said:

Childish, just childish.

on March 3, 2005 01:34 PM
# kasia said:

Send me a postcard! (or some sushi)

on March 3, 2005 05:35 PM
# Gen Kanai said:

Jeremy- is this an invite-only thing or is it open to the public? How might I attend?

on March 3, 2005 06:57 PM
# A not so distant relative... said:


DON'T send kasia sushi.

Send her some interesting wines or beers!
(or, something "silky." I'm guessing size 8.)

And, send me 2 of those cute little cars, one for each foot;-)

Enjoy your visit!

We'll talk when you get back.

I hope you've got someone watching the boys;-)


on March 3, 2005 09:26 PM
# Will said:

> Amusingly, I'll arrive home before I left. Aren't time zones funny?

I initially read this "I'll arrive in San Francisco before I left San Francisco". Major double-take. If only that were possible..

on March 5, 2005 01:21 PM
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