John Battelle says:
A birdy with an abiding interest has told me that MSN, through its MyMSN service, will tonight "quietly launch several new features for MyMSN, one of which is the ability to discover, read and search through blog and RSS content." You will also be able to add RSS feeds to your MyMSN page, just like MyYahoo. Innaresting, no?
Damn right it is.
2005 is going to be a very interesting year for blogging, RSS, and search. Just watch and see...
Posted by jzawodn at January 11, 2005 11:06 PM
MSN Search has added RSS feeds for search results as well:
- Swaroop
Here's more on that:
@Simon: That article talks about RSS aggregation, I am talking about the *search results itself* available as a RSS feed. They are two different things.
Jeremy, I found the following error in my log file when my blog tried to trackback your blog.
Need a TrackBack ID (tb_id).
I also tried it manually and produced the same error.