Ross Mayfield has started a Parking Lot Indicatr group on Flickr.

The idea is simple. We've all heard that if you watch the parking lots of companies in the Valley late at night and on weekends, you get an idea of which ones might be up to something big.

That may not be true in a few years as things are more spread out and more folks work remotely. But for now, it's pretty important for people to be on-side at crunch time at may companies.

Either way, this one will be fun to watch.

Crap. I just realized it's 2:30am. I should do something about that.

Posted by jzawodn at January 09, 2005 02:37 AM | edit

Reader Comments
# goosmurf said:

Interesting idea, but why would anyone who finds a full parking lot bother to post the photo ... or is the thinking that they would do it to generate some small amount of buzz?

on January 10, 2005 05:47 PM
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