I started the day by finally writing a column that I've been trying to write, but other things kept getting in the way. From there I went on to a 3 hour wave flight to get the day going. We topped out at 9,400 feet, which isn't too bad for the first good wave of the season. Then follow that with a late lunch, good nap, and a trip to the theater to see The Incredibles with Joyce and Sterling. Excellent movie--very entertaining.
It really is too bad that weekends are only two days. Imagine what I could do with three days. Well, at least I will. :-)
Posted by jzawodn at November 22, 2004 12:05 AM
Once you get three days of weekend, you will want 4 days of weekend :)
I guess thats human nature.
Just last night I was imagining that weekends were three days and weeks were four days. That seems like a much better balance to me. :)
Adding an extra weekend day would cost only 20% of our workweek, and for that low low price we'd get a _50%_ increase in total weekendage. That's too good a deal to pass up.