Cory snapped a picture of me being a human advertisement for Google at Google's Web 2.0 party. Looking at it later, the phrase Human AdSense came to mind. Imagine, free t-shirts printed with contextual ads suited to the wearer's personality (or their social network).
Maybe that is what Orkut is all about? ;-)
Yeah, yeah... it's Friday and I've had an insane but fun week.
Posted by jzawodn at October 08, 2004 03:27 PM | edit
Sometimes I wish I didn't have 3 kids and could attend these events. Looks like great fun!
Did you see Minority Report?
Imagine a T-Shirt that gives the *beholder* what he'd like to see ...
How much is Google paying per impression (or whatever) for those types of ads?
Or human adsense, batteries of people watching incooming search requests and manually finding a relevant advert?