Joe is doing a short demo of JotSpot, a new generation Wiki that makes it easier to add structured data to the system in addition to pulling in external data via RSS, Web Services, and so on. Very cool stuff. Their Wiki is easily scripted, so I can imagine using it to protoype loosely coupled web applications.

He's showing integration via SOAP right now. Nice. He's pulling in Yahoo News RSS feeds for topics on his pages.

So it's a Wiki with structure that you can evolve into a full-blown application. This feels like Lotus Notes re-invented for the web or something.

See Also: My Web 2.0 post archive for coverage of all the other sessions I attended.

Posted by jzawodn at October 06, 2004 09:06 AM

Reader Comments
# Ludovic Dubost said:


If you found JotSpot cool, then you should have a look at XWiki ( which has powerfull programming features and an embedded database.. It should be even more flexible than JotSpot.. and it's open-source..

As you say it is a kind of Lotus Notes reinvented for the web, adding the "Wiki Way" to it and adding the most recent technologies (RSS, SOAP, etc..)

on October 6, 2004 03:04 PM
# Mark Fellenz said:

Pretty pissed with jotspot. Turns out they will let you try for free, but as soon as you go over the minimum, they shut you down and hold your content hostage. FYI, we did not create more than 20 pages, but somehow they count that we did 9wrong). No e-mail / contact information. No way to complain. Just awful product, change that -- service. Don't use services from those that only seek to take advantage of you. Piss poor if you can not allow people back in and edit their pages down.

on February 13, 2006 08:34 PM
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