John and Tim are on stage. It seems we have about 600 people signed up for the conference. Wow. (Power strips coming tomorrow.)

John: The "high order bit" sessions will be short, impactful, and likely have announcements. BoF dinners tomorrow night. Signup board outside the big room.

Tim: Big themes for the conference. The web is a development environment. Content and retail sites are now software components that you can call via APIs (official or otherwise). PC application stack was intel at the bottom, others in the middle, and Windows at the top. However, tody we have NetSol at the bottom, Open Source (Apache, MySQL, PHP, etc) in the middle, and the Big Guys at the top (Google, Mapquest,, etc). The lock-in at the top is via network effects. (I don't completely agree, but I know what Tim's saying.)

Letting your customers build your business: eBay, Google, Blogging (Blogger, SixApart), Amazon, Flickr, and so on. Invitations to the user make Amazon very powerful. Tons of people are inputting content into the Internet.

Microsoft won the browser war but it doesn't make them any money. The value has migrated elsewhere (to the app layer). O'Reilly is doing Safari U. This generation has a Web Services API in addition to just the Netflix model. Now you can integrate into something like the Eclipse editor. Profs can build custom documentation sets or books.

The end of the software upgrade cycle. The web is always updating, so when you've got a good browser, you don't need to do anything before you can take advantage of them.

Software that runs above a single device: iTunes (and the iPod). "The Power of the Tail" means you can have a lot of small players that all survive. Google AdSense takes advantage of the tail.

See Also: My Web 2.0 post archive for coverage of all the other sessions I attended.

Posted by jzawodn at October 05, 2004 04:22 PM

Reader Comments
# Dean Wilson said:

"The lock-in at the top is via network effects. (I don't completely agree, but I know what Tim's saying.)"

What is your viewpoint on the bit you don't agree with?

on October 9, 2004 08:07 AM
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