Is it just me, or is MySQL getting a little too corporate these days?

They recently posted an "interview" with Monty titled Catching up with Monty that seems a lot more like a marketing piece than something Monty would actually say or write:

But then again, what do I know? I've only spoken with him a few times a year for the last few years (in person and via e-mail). This is the first time he ever sounded like he was speaking through a heavy PR/Marketing filter.

I went on a Linux GeekCruise earlier and it was a very rewarding event for me. To be able to mingle and discuss (for days) your Linux problems and ideas with some of the important people behind Linux was both fun and very educational.
We wanted to give MySQL users the same opportunity that the Linux people have on the Linux GeekCruise. People can come discuss and learn about MySQL and also get practical tips and solutions to problems that they face when using MySQL. There is plenty of free time during the MySQL Cruise, and I am sure we will spend a notable part of that time to discuss solving practical problems given to us by users on the trip.
Another reason that I like events like the MySQL GeekCruise is that it gives me the chance to meet MySQL users and through them get a better understanding of what they really want from the MySQL products in the future.

It's customary when documenting an interview to mention who conducted the interview. But "we caught up with him" does nothing to reveal the identity of this person. Was it via e-mail or in person?

So, who kidnapped Monty and replaced him with this evil clone? :-)

It's not Zak, since he resigned. And I doubt it's Jim, since he just doesn't seem like that kind of guy.

Don't get me wrong, I'm not criticizing Monty. I have tons of respect for him. I'm criticizing his clone or whoever crafted that "interview" on his behalf.

Posted by jzawodn at September 07, 2004 10:37 AM | edit

Reader Comments
# jim winstead said:

the interview was conducted by zack urlocker (our vp marketing) via email.

they are indeed monty's answers. i guess if you talk to the press often enough, you get good at including the appropriate talking points when you answer the questions.

the interview was a stab at adding a not-quite-as-technical article into the mix on i can only cajole so many technical articles out of the developers and other technical folks. (but this week we'll start running a series of articles about the new features in 4.1. no more interviews for at least a month, i promise!)

on September 7, 2004 11:47 AM
# basileus said:

what new features in 4.1?

on September 9, 2004 03:52 PM
# Monty said:

Sorry for sounding like someone the Marketing Department have spit out of their cave. (I have reluctantly to agree that the above statement was my own, execpt for a couple of typos that Zack had corrected)

I assume my responce was coloured by the fact that I have spent most of my time lately programming and planing MySQL development ind my basement and are really looking forward to the MySQL Swell cruise to meet other human beeings.

The last cruise I was on was exceptionaly good and I tried to convey some of that feeling in the interview, but apparently it sounds too much like marketing also when you are genually entusiastic about something :)


PS: Sorry about the abd English

on September 17, 2004 11:35 PM
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