In the continuing quest to get rid of all the useless crap I've accumulated over the years, I was going thru the last few junk boxes that have been lingering in the computer room closet when I cam across something I had forgotten existed: a bunch of academic stuff from grade school and high school.
In this box were diplomas, newspaper clippings, science fair awards, academic awards, and so on. Talk about a quick trip down memory lane. I also came across some of my old high school writings. In particular, I still have most of the papers I wrote for my Christian Morality class (yeah, I went to one of those schools) as well as the writing notebook from my Expository Writing class.
Just for reference, these are roughly 1990 or 1991 vintage documents, so they're about 13 years old now. I'm really tempted to re-type some of them and post 'em here for the enjoyment (or horror) of the world. Well, sort of. What I'm really interested in seeing is how much my opinions have or have not changed in the years since I left high school.
Posted by jzawodn at August 29, 2004 06:41 PM
That's lucky, whatever of that stuff I had was lost in a fire.
This is typically the sort of stuff moms save until the heat death of the universe. I'm sure your mom is proud that you've kept this stuff organized for her, and will point all her friends and relatives to visit your writings on the web once they're up.
That's actually exactly the reason I would never put anything like that up on my site :)
Did you have Fr. Dave for Christian Morality? Did you watch the Life of Brian in your class, too?
How about Tom Harms? A lot of very interesting stuff got written in that class.
Type that sheet in, mang!
Yup, Tom Harms for expo writing, Fr. Dave for morality.
Did we watch Life of Brian? I really don't remember. But it wouldn't surprise me.