That's right, the pieces for the previously mentioned webmail basead Internet hard disk are coming together. The release of GmailFS provides a relatively seamless filesystem on top of your Gmail account.
However, given that Google is being evil with Gmail now, there's no telling how long this will last. (According to Phil (in the comments), this is just a standard defense against password brute force attacks, much like Yahoo and other services use.)
See Also:
Posted by jzawodn at August 28, 2004 04:56 PM
So Yahoo doesn't, and won't ever, mind third-party software doing whatever with Yahoo mail, search, news, site submission, etc. etc. etc. ?
I know you'll find this hard to believe, but almost everyone on /. is full of it. The money comment: they aren't blocking third-party notifiers with whatever the hell a "word-identification script filter" is (a CAPTCHA for people who can't remember an acronym?), they are blocking brute-force password attacks, and incidently morons who get their password wrong, and then just keep trying with the wrong password.
That's a rhetorical question, right?
Or maybe the Terms of Service don't make it clear?
Please read section 6 in "10 things Google has found to be true" in Google corporate information today
I don't mean to be feeding a troll here, but Yahoo's instant messaging protocol changes seem to be similar to the Google changes we're talking about here. Whether it is "evil" or just a change in favor of better security is something that only the developers of the respective software really know.
Well, if I was making that decision, I think we all know what I'd do:
But I only get to argue with the folks who've already decided not to change their minds on the issue.
So many battles, so little time.
Well, at least "Al" hasn't started complaining about MySQL yet. ;-)
I've installed this gmailfs scripts to mount this "glourius" file system on a directory of my.
This notices will happy to many people.
The data retrieved from the google file system is corrupt.
Then, gmailfs scripts are obsolete
Como diria un amigo, una verdadera latima
I'll be waiting for new releases.
Be honest I am not a specialist in your IT world.
But I would like to have INTERNET HARD DISC propvided by GMAIL.
It would be highy apprecaited if any one could belp me..
Thanking you
SUBIER ( The Administrator has the right to remove the email ID if he/she dont want to show it please )