Notes from the Introduction to the MySQL Administrator talk at the 2004 MySQL User's Conference...
(I initially wanted to go to the "High Availability Solutions with Databases" session, but it seems to be a big Sun product pitch. Bad move, Sun. You sessions should clearly state that they're heavily focusing on your solutions.)
Alfredo is walking thru the UI of the Administrator. It seems to be fully functional now on Windows, with Linux and Mac OS X lagging a bit behind. The gist of this is that the GUI tool removed the need to touch the my.cnf file as well as interacting with the MySQL command-line tool for most administrative operations (security/privileges, account management, schema changes, config changes, replication setup, and so on).
Documenting this in the second edition of the book will be a challenge, mainly because I find most GUI admin a bit tedious.
It's hoard to write a lot about this tool without screen shots, since it's clearly a very visual application. I am impressed with how far along the tool is both in terms of functionality and the user interface itself. This will go along way toward making MySQL more approachable to those who shun the command line.
Toolkits used on various platforms are... Windows: Delphi, Linux: GNOME/C++, Mac OS X: Cocoa.
Hmm. Short talk.
Posted by jzawodn at April 15, 2004 11:40 AM
You can find the MySQL Administrator at and yes, it has been released already.