Sometime last year I setup a Google News Alert for my name. Why? Because I can't read every damned thing that gets published and I'd like to know when my name appears in the press--for good or bad. And I'd like to know before someone else asks me about it. As the screenshot at the right shows, there are currently three matches. This is a milestone of sorts, I guess.

The first one is from Jon Udell's latest Infoworld Column. The second is John Battelle's Foo Camp article from And the third sort of surprised me. It's an article in the Hindustan Times (India) that points to my 2004 predictions.

Cool stuff. Thanks Google. I know I bitch about PageRank a lot, but nobody else seems to match your news alerts coverage.

See Also:

Posted by jzawodn at January 19, 2004 07:05 PM

Reader Comments
# philip said:

The Hindustan Times covers a lot of tech stories from around the world, but most are by free lancing journalists. They were the first to carry a story on ayttm.

One thing you should be aware of is that their links tend to get archived after a while, and the url changes. You may have to check back in 15 days. Of course, google is your friend :D

on January 19, 2004 09:01 PM
# Anonymous said:

You might be interested in googlefeed. It generates an RSS file from Google search results. I run googlefeed daily from a cron job to keep track of sites mentioning my name.

on January 19, 2004 10:28 PM
# Manish Jethani said:

Well, actually, check out Google Alert. It emails you your searches (only the changes since last time), there's RSS feeds, HTML feeds, and TrackBack. Excellent for ego-searching.

on January 20, 2004 03:17 AM
# Tim A said:

Anything wrong with Yahoo News Alerts??

on January 20, 2004 06:53 AM
# Jeremy Zawodny said:

I was turned off of Yahoo News Alerts long ago. They were slow, unreliable, and had poor coverage. I'm sure that has improved in recent times, but it's hard to unlearn those lessons.

on January 20, 2004 08:46 AM
# Jaidev said:

Not at all related but ...

Stumbled upon your blog thru Kallu's LJ and saw that this was a top 10 post I was ROTFLMAO! Could you publish some stats on that post? Or have I missed it somewhere?

PS: Posting it here because comments are disabled on entries 1000 and 1002. Hope you don't mind!

on January 22, 2004 06:10 AM
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