In Open Source Person, Tim says:

I thought it might be entertaining to give a blow-by-blow account of my job hunt here, naming names, trading off pluses and minuses, telling all. Then it dawned on me how incredibly clueless and lame-brained that would be.

Amusingly, I've been down that road too. I'd love to be able to blog the job contacts, interviews, and offers I've had in the last year or two, but it probably is a bad idea even though I've stayed put the whole time. Some of them are truly entertaining, others are exciting, and some are just lame. It's really too bad I can't (or, more accurately, won't) share.

Maybe in another year or so I'll write 'em up here. It's an interesting mix of the biggest and smallest names in the tech world. What is a reasonable amount of time I should let pass?

I really have been tempted to write about some of them, but have had to settle for passing comments in other entries and other games.

Oh, well. I'm no stranger to stirring the pot once in a while. :-)

Posted by jzawodn at January 17, 2004 11:43 AM

Reader Comments
# Bill said:

A week should be sufficient.

on January 17, 2004 12:42 PM
# Adam Lasnik said:

Oh man, I'm in a similar situation myself.

I've now had FOURTEEN interviews with a major corporation (which, no, I will not name... because I still want to work there [sigh]). They've forgotten to call for phone interviews (oops!), they've sent me rejection letters for jobs I haven't applied for, they've interviewed me for jobs that were filled two weeks prior (double oops!), and that's just the printable stuff :D

Indeed, I figure at this stage, it'd be tempting to write a book about my getting-a-job journey, except that:
1) My damn morals get in the way.
2) I'm not sure people would believe some of the stories, even though they're true.
3) It probably would make me even less employable.


on January 18, 2004 12:21 AM
# Jeremy C. Wright said:

I blogged the lessons I've learned. Really glad I didn't blog the hunting process. It's boring enough when you're doing it. Even more so when you're reading it, I'm sure.

on January 19, 2004 07:07 AM
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