Wow. Apparently we got him.
American forces captured a bearded Saddam Hussein as he hid in a dirt hole under a farmhouse near his hometown of Tikrit, ending one of the most intensive manhunts in history. The arrest, eight months after the fall of Baghdad, was carried out without a shot fired and was a huge victory for U.S. forces.
I wonder how this will change things...
Posted by jzawodn at December 14, 2003 06:17 AM | edit
It's probably a "blow up" (no pun intended!) doll that just looks like him. Can't believe it true, just yet! The world is a changin' The world is a changin'!
whatever happened to Osama bin Laden?
Oh well, I guess it hardly matters which of the US-trained despots has fallen, just so long as we can keep flying flags on our cars and houses.
Hooray for our side!!!
I can't believe we captured "So-Damn Insane!" Stock in George W. is going to go up. Dems gonna' be hacked...
I liked that CNN reporter wearing a military helmet because the people were firing AK-47s all over 'da place.
waouh, apparently he was denounced, i wonder if the $25M will be paid off.. and if we'll know about, is it tax free?
It amazing how the US Government managed to convert "Osama" to "Saddam" in the role of "america's nš1 public enemy".
> It amazing how the US Government managed to convert "Osama" to "Saddam" in the role of "america's nš1 public enemy".
Um, yeah...
This is great news for Bush's re-election campaign. They can bring him to campaign stops in a little cage. It'll bring in more voters than a singing dwarf!
Those shots of a filthy, disheveled Saddam being taken into custody reminded me of when they caught Ted Kaczynski :-).
It amazing how the US Government managed to convert "Osama" to "Saddam" in the role of "america's nš1 public enemy".
Do you people just make this shit up? Osama is still on the most wanted listed. When did the US ever say one or the other was higher & then reverse their position?
Yes, but when was the last time you heard the President say "Osama"? Perhpas if we'd not taken most of our military out of Pakistan/Afghanistan to fight an unprovoked war of aggression, we'd know the person that actually attacked us was no longer able to continue to do so.
I agree that america has
$war_on_terror =~ s/Osama/Saddam/gi;
Not living in the US it really looks like to me that the war on Iraq was really about the WMD but none have been found. So what is the US going to do with him now... kill him.. for what??
> I wonder how this will change things...
You will be surprized... but it will not. Our air force shot Chechen 'president' Dudaev with the rocket positioned by his satellite phone' signal in april 1996 but if not the large-scale war, but bandits are still there. So expect more casualties and more difficulties in this country (i am not trying to be cyncal - just realistic).
If someone doesn't remember that, the original goal was not to capture Saddam, but to eliminate the terrorist threats for the Western world. Instead, US has raised a new wave of it. Sad.
Everybody is so happy (including me) for his capture, now the process of healing should start.
The question is however, they cought this coward without any resistance. Even a rat retaliates to his capture. But they captured him with a couple of machine guns, pistol, a taxi and a big bundle of money. What? No cell phones, communication equipment, internet? Nothing? How does he coordinate the "resistance" then without the most basic communication equipment? Even the place they cought him was remote, so no chance of transmitting his messages by scout flags even!
The next few days should be interesting... put him on a public trial, but the States has to be prepared for him dishing the dirt on his association with various US government agencies like the CIA et al...
His head will roll for sure, but it won't be only his and it won't be just his Iraqi henchmen. If his trial is to be "proper" then a lot of various people and governments will be implicated.
Time to Rock and Roll!
I'm glad they finally caught him. They should have caught or capped him back in 91. Atleast Bush finally finished what his daddy started, might not agree with the reasons but I still think we should be there.
@Dan: Last time I checked we'd never truely ceased the war with Iraq which was originally declared. We signed a ceasefire with terms, which the Iraqi's violated. Thats generally considered to be a reasonable reason for resumption of hostilities.
@Sanja: Last time I checked the islamic world was doin a pretty good job of raising a new generation of terrorists WITHOUT our help. Oppression and lack of education and commodities breeds terrorism. While we haven't done our best duty to help either, the governments in that side of the world SURE as hell don't either.
Saddam was actually dressed in a long white beard to play Santa at a local Kurdish orphanage! They found him at the north "hole" with some elves!
Great that they finally got this guy. You have to admit, no matter what your politics, that this guy was bad news.
This you change a thing for Iraq for now. This just mean that he won't be able to come back.
Mahmood Al-Yousif posted:
"The question is however, they cought this coward without any resistance. Even a rat retaliates to his capture. But they captured him with a couple of machine guns, pistol, a taxi and a big bundle of money. What? No cell phones, communication equipment, internet? Nothing? How does he coordinate the "resistance" then without the most basic communication equipment?"
Heeuu...because he don't and didn't coordinate the resistance!
The Americans seems to be way too much optimistic with this Iraq war.
It doesn't take a genius to see how fake that is. First the lunar landings, now this. Is there anything they won't fake.
HamsterMan... You were daaaaaaaaaaaaaaamn right. Read this article: