Today is Buy Nothing Day.
You can help celebrate by staying at home and not shopping. Me? I'll
be on a plane to Bangalore, India so there's little chance of me
buying anything today.
Instead of that new DVD, how about a subscription to Adbusters for that non-lemming friend of yours?
Cool. Dan Gillmor mentioned it too. But he cheated. He's in Hong Kong now, so Friday came sooner for him than me. No worries. I'll be in India soon enough. From there I'll have a good 8 hour lead on most folks in the US too. :-)
Posted by jzawodn at November 28, 2003 06:36 AM
Buy nothing day? I think not! I'm getting a 19in moniter for $99. Buy nothing day, well maybe buy nothing day physically in a mail. We have internet shopping now. Black Friday is meaningless! MUAHAHAHAHAHA
Buying a subscription on Buy Nothing Day? Even from AdBusters, that's just asking for a jab.
Jeremy, how can you resist the amazing products and deals in the airline shoppig catalogue stuck in every seat pocket? And considering you have to change planes in Frankfurt, you have two opportunities in each direction, too!
Haha, if all three of the people who buy nothing today get together they can have a party! (as long as they don't buy nuthing)
I decided not to buy gas today, but then I ran out of gas on the way to work. Then I had to buy the services of a tow truck. (No, not really.)
I bought nothing today. I did have to pay 40 cents parking, I don't think that should count.
I think Adbusters would approve that I rarely ever buy their magazine. I usually read it at the newsstand at my local drugstore.
I bought gas today (Fri). Man just a week ago it was $0.30 more per gallon!