Since I don't use bookmarks anymore, I've gotta put this stuff somewhere.
- Fixing X11 on Mac OSX
- EXIF Image Orientation (I've been fixing up my image gallery software)
- mini_httpd, a very small web server
- Debian mplayer HOWTO, so you can get your media on
That's it for now.
Posted by jzawodn at November 01, 2003 05:56 PM
OK, I'll ask. How come you don't use bookmarks anymore? Do you use something else?
Simple. There's no easy way to share bookmarks among on the computers I happen to use now and then.
I've started to use rsync for all my bookmarks, using the webserver as the authoritative server.
I think I have a very good solution, but you may not like it -- using Blogger, right, Google's Blogger. This is my bookmark page:
IE has Google's Tool Bar, which has a "Blog This" function. Firebird has "Blog this" extension. Both take you a couple of clicks to bookmark a page. No typing needed.
You can even create multiple blogs for categories, and organize the bookmarks that way.
You can alway password protect it and let no one know. :-)
I tend to put my bookmarks on my blog too! Although my excuse is that it is becoming difficult to synchronise bookmarks between my many browsers. I will be checking out Victor's suggestion though.
I started using .Mac between my PowerBook and my G5. Works beautifully!
I actually wrote a bookmark search engine in Python that uses MySQL's full text search. It worked really well (even given my complete inability to design a workable interface) and it lives on one of my (really freakin' slow) servers, so I can use it from anywhere. I stopped using it when I went Mac, however.
Why not use bookmarks, and have your browser export them now and then?
That's what I do, and it works perfectly!
Thanks for making me sick to my stomach today.
So everybody just blogs their bookmarks? Including all the pr0n ones?? :P
take a look on freshmeat, there seems to be quite a few projects dedicated to bookmark management.
*chuckle* I blog a lot of mine on my Interesting Things page. Supremely easy, and Typepad's QuickPost thingy lets me add, file, and take away at my whim. Hey, and I don't even work in tech - I'm all impressed with myself now!
Ever since I added a bookmarklet that lets me quickly add items to my mini-link-list on my blog, I've used it far more than IE's stupid bookmarks.
I keep thinking I should make a private version for the less interesting things.
create a weblog with blogger and then use the Blogger Icon on the google toolbar. Your site will be a link in the blogger weblog.
I use Yahoo's Companion toolbar to share my bookmarks among many PC's. Works OK, as long as your PC's are running windows and IE.
Doesn't Yahoo's toolbar install a bunch of spyware and other junk on your computer?
Here's a solution you might try - I don't know much about it, but perhaps...