of good talks today. From the point of view of a US engineer, it was
an especially interesting day. Why? Because most of the day was
taken up by representatives from each of the non-US properties talking
about what they've been up to, problems they're having, and so on.
We got to hear from:
- Australia
- China
- Europe
- Hong Kong
- Japan
- Korea
- Latin America
- Singapore
- Taiwan (Kimo)
After the formal presentations were over, a group of us headed out in the rain to search for dinner. We found excellent food. And then managed to wind up in a British pub. Don't ask.
Posted by jzawodn at October 22, 2003 05:42 PM
Jeremy - you should enjoy this Slate article about the clichés of Tokyo http://slate.msn.com/id/2089630/entry/0/
Are you doing "actual work", or are you not doing anything besides "eating"? :-)
I guess that depends how you define "real work" does n't it? :-)
I had a friend who was in the marines that had a story about drinking too much in japan. the highlight (or lowlight) depending on how you look at it ... was a bannana
When we were visiting eGroups Japan, we asked the locals to take us to a bar... they took us to Roppongi (ie English-Town) and a Irish pub. It wasn't quite what we had in mine...