Ben is not sure if he's geek enough to be at Foo Camp.
Derek pisses on Foo Camp.
Tim Bray is here too.
Matt too, blogging about Rendezvous and stuff, including social software, bluetooth security, AMD's Opteron, and more Rendezvous.
The FooCampWiki is back.
So much catching up to do now...
Posted by jzawodn at October 12, 2003 06:56 PM | edit
I agree with Derek Balling, and when you come back to earth, I bet you will too Jeremy.
Did I read that you guys had meetings about RSS? At a private invitation-only event? Do you realize how WRONG that is?
Similarly, I hope nobody DARES talk about Twingle without me present. Right? ;)
Right Dave, if they pay to come to a conference where you're speaking will you shout out obscenities at them like you did at the CMS conference?
Take care what you believe folks, Dave's just playing you for sympathetic fools.