Remember a few months ago when Yahoo launched News RSS Feeds? I wrote about it then and am here with more cool news on the Yahoo RSS front.

The News RSS Feeds are great if you want to follow a particular category of news. For example, you might want to read the latest Sports (RSS) or Entertainment (RSS) news in your aggregator. But what if you'd like an RSS News feed generated just for you? One based on a word or phrase that you could supply?

You've got it!

I've been playing with this at work for a month or so now and I'm now told we can even talk about it. This is really quite handy. For example, if you'd like to follow all the news that mentions Microsoft, you can do that. Just subscribe to this url. And if you want to find news that mentions Microsoft in a financial context, use Microsoft's stock ticker (MSFT) as the search parameter like this.

(Of course, if the Finance RSS Feeds hadn't been pulled, you could have been doing this a year ago. But let's not rehash that decision. Yeah, yeah, it was a beta test. *sigh*)

Anyway, here are just a few examples of what you might try:

  George Bush
  Recall Election
  Bill Gates
  Justice Department
  Open Source

You may have noticed that the URLs used to do this are a bit funky. So I've decided to help you out in constructing them. You can either go to this page directly or enter your keyword(s) in the form below.

Enter search term(s) and hit Enter:

Maybe if this becomes really popular we'll see a more easily typed URL.

Update: I've fixed the wrong URLs on the XML buttons.

Update #2: Welcome /. readers. Thanks for dropping by. My there's actually no "e" in my last name and I only produced the tools to make URLs.

Update #3: Apparently some people have concluded that I wrote the RSS feeds. I did not. I never claimed to have done so, but I apparently didn't write anything that would lead you to believe that I didn't either. So I'm coming clean.

Posted by jzawodn at October 07, 2003 04:05 PM | edit

Reader Comments
# alan taylor said:

Now that is very very cool. Thanks for the work and heads-up!

on October 7, 2003 04:48 PM
# BillSaysThis said:
on October 7, 2003 05:11 PM
# Bill Cromwell said:

Yep - cool. Any plans for an API (like *gasp* Google)?

Also, is Yahoo planning on setting any limits on use, such as: no automated scripts, max queries per day, etc.? I hope not.

on October 7, 2003 09:55 PM
# Jeremy Zawodny said:

Bill, I can't duplicate the 404.

Can you post a ping or traceroute to (or e-mail me privately)?

on October 7, 2003 10:36 PM
# Jeremy Zawodny said:

Bill #2:

You mean Google has an API for News Search that returns RSS?

Cool. Where can I learn more?

(Some would argue that Yahoo *has* provided an API--a REST API.)

on October 7, 2003 10:38 PM
# Bill Cromwell said:

Last I looked, Google's API didn't do news. Or RSS. But personally I think I'd rather use SOAP or xmlrpc in scripts. But RSS is cool for the news readers.

What's a "REST API"?

on October 7, 2003 11:20 PM
# François said:

Jeremy, all the returned results lead to a 404 error for me too.

I used your form to create the following feed:

I get a listing of results in my aggregator (NetNewsWire), but they all link to the same URL:*

which gives a 404.

on October 8, 2003 12:27 AM
# Dan Isaacs said:

I got a 404 the first time, too. But refreshing the page loaded it. Could maybe be a robustness thing? If this is the new thing, maybe they don't have many servers dedicated.

on October 8, 2003 05:27 AM
# Ricky said:

I get a 404 sometimes and sometimes not... for the same search. For example when I first clicked the open source link it worked then when I refreshed it I got a 404... and as I write this I went back and refreshed and it came up again. weird.

on October 8, 2003 06:35 AM
# Robert Jagger said:

I am also getting the 404 intermittently.
by intermittently I mean about half of the time.

I am assuming that this is because this was just mentioned on slashdot and a flood of people are trying it all at once.

Ping says I am 30ms away from but running traceroute times out ager I get my 3rd hop (Verizon router in Portsmouth NH I believe)

on October 8, 2003 09:31 AM
# Justin said:
on October 8, 2003 12:01 PM
# Gudmundur Karlsson said:

Do you think RSS feeds could be used to dynamically feed web content to a television audience - kind of like "bubble video" on the web?

Scenario: digital cable box, or TiVo or any such device containing a program guide could use a wireless LAN within a home to deliver the URL for an RSS feed for the particular program being viewed.
Then anyone with a laptop will be able to view relevant "link programmed" up to the second content along with the current program being viewed.

Along with useful content (player stats, information about people, countries or anything else covered in news stories), you could include targeted advertising thereby reducing the advertising which is directly a part of the broadcast.

?? Any comments on this ??

on October 8, 2003 12:43 PM
# Marco said:

Thanks for this nice tool. It's useful, but I think the Google-News Search with RSS is better:)

on October 8, 2003 02:03 PM
# Justin said:

google new can return rrs results of searchs.. whats the url?

on October 8, 2003 03:45 PM
# Mark said:

Any way/plans to get sub topics in the rss feeds? For example in Sports is it possible to get the Baseball or Football categories as a feed? The search, as I understand it would pull everything with "baseball" in it, even if it did not come from the Sports section of the news. Better yet, could we get feeds to "Top Headlines" section of the pages at ?

on October 8, 2003 04:44 PM
# shmaryahu rabinovich said:

Google doesn't have RSS feeds for News Searches, but they do offer News Alerts by email - which I prefer, partly because the email interface is cleaner than RSS and partly because this is more "push"-oriented than most RSS aggregators. Also, you can set delivery frequency to as-it-happens or as-published.

on October 9, 2003 07:07 AM
# Marco said:

For Google News Search with RSS try this:

on October 9, 2003 09:25 AM
# Andy said:

The RSS feeds only include news from providers that Yahoo has relationships with, Reuters and AP, DowJones and the like, not the rest of the news from around the web.

So a search for Typepad returns nothing in the RSS, but 13 results on Yahoo news itself.

on October 9, 2003 10:06 AM
# confus-ed said:

I've tried it with "Gift Industry" (inc quotes). I get the feed but no articles. Is this becuause of the limited sources for RSS articles?

on October 9, 2003 04:40 PM
# Adalbert Duda said:

Hi. Is there a way to get only news item featuring the words "IM" (instant messaging) but not getting any results including text such as "The massive raid Sunday in Al-Qa'im" or "I still need to get better, but I´m happy with how things are going" which are obviously not what I want.

on October 10, 2003 01:12 PM
# Jeremy Zawodny said:

François: let me know if you're still seeing that.

on October 13, 2003 02:50 PM
# PJ said:

Is it cool to use the XML to publish the feed on a blog? It would be easier to check news on my blog instead of a newsreader.

Anyone recommend a link for publishing headlines via an XML or RSS feed?

on November 1, 2003 02:19 AM
# Jonny said:

Is the code for this mega useful util available?

on September 19, 2004 11:40 AM
# Neil said:

I think Yahoo just changed somthing. I wrote an application that used these feeds and all the sudden 3/4 of them are reporting invalid characters. I can't see anything glaring, but my app is now not working and firefox's RSS reader also chokes on them. I have no idea whats up.

on September 22, 2004 06:40 AM
# Jonny said:
on September 22, 2004 08:56 AM
# Jonny said:

Of course they still work on MyYahoo

on September 22, 2004 08:58 AM
# Milos Novakovic said:

Google RSS news on url: is discontinued.

Also this blog is pretty cool.

on September 22, 2004 03:08 PM
# Neil said:

THIS SUCKS! My app depended on that stream working. I can't find the problem. Any ideas?

Is there anyone out there that as somthing simular that actually returns a descent number of results. I tried the other suggestions here and can't find anything.

on September 22, 2004 07:53 PM
# Satish said:

Looks like somethings changed at Yahoo perhaps, A few topics are reporting invalid characters when I check on

Kindly validate:

on September 23, 2004 12:49 AM
# Neil said:

Does anyone know how to get in touch with Yahoo and ask about this? Since its returning invalid XML and breaking pretty much every application you would think they would want to correct this issue.

on September 23, 2004 08:09 PM
# B said:

Worked great for a while, now broken. Did yahoo change something?

on September 28, 2004 11:55 AM
# Jamie said:

What the heck?!? Having custom keyword-based news feeds was awesome! How come so many of them aren't working now?

Does anyone know of any other similar services?

on October 2, 2004 11:42 AM
# Paul Sedillo said:

No problems on my end with the Yahoo News Feeds. Thanks for taking the time to create this cool tool.

on October 3, 2004 05:31 AM
# Olav said:

Typing "Medicalnet" returns super bogus RSS. It's completely hosed.

Anyway, there seemed to be a problem with the RSS being generated. There are alot of illegal unicode characters being inserted into the feeds like 0xO, -86 etc.

I wrote a previewing app to let you see the results of the RSS keywords searches working around the bad unicode characters.

on October 7, 2004 10:17 PM
# Grant Sanders said:

Anyone have any idea why the feeds on my blog are showing up blank. I'm just using one search term: Nantucket

on October 25, 2004 10:46 AM
# Jeremy Zawodny said:

Not really. Without knowing anything about your code, it's hard to guess what could be wrong.

on October 25, 2004 11:41 PM
# Grant Sanders said:

Thanks for responding. I don't know anything about my code either. :-)

It's a site made with PHP-Nuke. Any known issues with PHP Nuke 7.4 and RSS feeds?

on October 26, 2004 02:53 PM
# Olav said:


I bet it's the bad, illegal unicode characters that Yahoo! RSS News is putting out.

My parser was working then it failed. I noticed Yahoo! News RSS files were bad.

Ever since I started filtering out the bad characters everything is working.

How this helps.

on October 29, 2004 07:22 AM
# Dusty said:

Anyone know any additional parameters that can be fed to Yahoo's News Search -> RSS API?

I'm wondering if there are any switches that might render in separate fields. Also wondering if there is a limit paramater.

Looks like the default parameters are p, ei, fl, and x.

on December 13, 2004 10:51 AM
# maz said:

I keep having problems with yahoo rss, because of the &, & neither work. Its as if they fix it and then lose it again.

on January 7, 2005 01:54 PM
# Dave said:

Hi. I heard that RSS feeds on your website help you with page ranking for search engines. How do I put RSS feeds on my site so that spiders see that my site is being updated with current news??

Im good at marketing but Im a little confused about RSS.


on January 24, 2005 08:11 PM
# Nelson G. Souza said:

I need your help to write a rss search using yahoo with specific words in brazilian portuguese. The problem is: when I go to yahoo customizable search (to get the correspondent xml code) using words with specific portuguese letters like "ç", "ú", "á", etc, etc., the engine don't give me the correct code. It doesn't consider the specific portuguese letters and the search doesn't work. Could yoou help me to write a correct search to put on my rss reader?
Thank you.

on February 6, 2005 03:18 PM
# deb said:

I'm confused as to whether you need to use something like blogbomb or rss products to put the feed in to make it display on one's site. And can different pages with keywords that vary be displayed?


on February 25, 2005 07:24 AM
# Desi said:

thanks a lot brother, your work is admirable.

regards from Pakistan

on June 18, 2005 02:36 AM
# Nonszi said:

this is very cool!!! man i've been looking for something like this. i wonder if some like this is available for msn and google???

work at home seo business

on July 3, 2005 04:06 AM
# kawish said:

Please give me the webservices document for accessing yahoo finance online stock ticker

on July 4, 2005 05:22 AM
# Satellite TV said:

Check it out!
DIRECTV Direct TV Satellite TV Direct Satellite TV DIRECWAY Satellite Dish Satellite Internet Dish Network

on August 9, 2005 07:28 PM
# Brandon said:

I was just curious if you have dealt with yahoo search's image search rss feed? I cannot get the image tag itself to work. They use a tag "media: thumbnail url="abcdetc."

I can get the title, link and description to work, but how can I get that media/image tag to display?

try this url:

on October 6, 2005 10:07 AM
# rondoogalo said:

Is it possible to do a custom RSS feed like this with Yahoo Podcasts?

on December 22, 2005 05:31 PM
# Fred Stutzman said:

I wrote a post on what I wish Yahoo would do with RSS. You guys are the most innovative content distributors on the web, and I think you guys could leverage RSS and micro-chunked information to make something incredibly powerful. My link is here:

I think there are vast opportunities yet to be leveraged.

on April 11, 2006 08:25 PM
# Will said:

I've browsed the entire web from front ot back to find a resource like yours about RSS Feeds. I plan on using it for my sites. Thanks for providing this buddy!

on May 7, 2006 03:32 AM
# said:

I LIKE YOUR SITE! I bookmark it:)

on May 23, 2006 12:12 AM
# Greg said:

How do I put one of Yahoo's RSS on my website (not blog)? What is the code used for putting an RSS feed from Yahoo for anything relating to "Modular Homes"?

Thanks! Greg

on August 3, 2006 06:38 AM
# justme said:

That's what is interesting for me too, how to put a Yahho RSS on my site

on August 4, 2006 02:35 AM
# Mike said:

Has anyone seen or used this for product related search results?

I am in the process of architecting a pretty thorough site search, and envision publishing all results via RSS.


on December 19, 2006 12:33 PM
# Onlineshops said:

Thanks it helps me a lot…

on December 30, 2006 06:51 AM
# Yaniv said:

to make an OR search (like israel or jerusalem):

Have Fun!

on April 17, 2007 04:39 AM
# Yaniv said:

when i'm making a search, the news are nor organize by date (by PubDate..
does any one know how to sort it by the date and the time??


on April 18, 2007 02:15 AM
Disclaimer: The opinions expressed here are mine and mine alone. My current, past, or previous employers are not responsible for what I write here, the comments left by others, or the photos I may share. If you have questions, please contact me. Also, I am not a journalist or reporter. Don't "pitch" me.


Privacy: I do not share or publish the email addresses or IP addresses of anyone posting a comment here without consent. However, I do reserve the right to remove comments that are spammy, off-topic, or otherwise unsuitable based on my comment policy. In a few cases, I may leave spammy comments but remove any URLs they contain.