Tivo upgrade phase #1 has been completed successfully. Given how darn cheap 120GB disks are, I replaced the 18GB disk in my 14 hour Phillips unit with a 120GB disk.
This means that when I'm in Asia for 2 weeks later this month I won't have to worry about anything being prematurely deleted.
<cartman>Kick Ass</cartman>
Next phase will be to add the web interface, enable telnet, add the ethernet card, and so on... After the trip.
Posted by jzawodn at October 05, 2003 07:02 PM | edit
You know it's surprising that, after having so much trouble with the PC last month that you'd be undertaking such a job. :)
Well, I only did the easy part. The hard stuff will come later. I didn't want to tempt Murphy.
So, Jeremy, you too much of a wimp to hand-solder all that extra RAM? :-)
I'd call it out of practice. I haven't touched an iron in about 12 years.
Do the memory upgrade as well. If you don't then any manipulation of the "now playing" list becomes painfully slow if it has more than a couple of screens on it.
I did the TiVo upgrades a few weeks ago, including getting the ethernet card and putting TiVoWeb on the machine. The end result is that when I'm at work, I can connect to my computer via SSH and then go from there to the TiVo.
It's nifty to be able to program the TiVo from anywhere with a net connection.
Incidentally, you'll like TiVoWeb... it adds an Undelete feature!
another spammer? i have to wonder if calling them to task in the blogosphere will make them try to spam you even more? when i swat them on my own site, i see them adapt and evolve.