Al Franken is on City Arts & Lectures rignt now.

Kick Ass!

My pledge dollars at work...

Posted by jzawodn at September 30, 2003 08:05 PM

Reader Comments
# Sam W. said:

Good God, Al Franken's a far-left feather-weight intellectual. Second only to Janine Garafalo.

on October 1, 2003 01:45 AM
# FredFlintstone said:

Al Franken is a fricking joke!!!

Stick to something you know, like software.

on October 1, 2003 08:27 AM
# Peter Grigor said:

Gotta agree with the crowd on this one.

Franken does come across as a bit of a meatball.

on October 1, 2003 03:15 PM
# Bo Didley said:

I wouldn't say Jeremy knows software - he thinks MySQL is great ;P.

on October 1, 2003 06:31 PM
# Jim Ivey said:

First, let me get some preliminary stuff out of the way....

Fuck the croud! Al Franken really isn't all that liberal -- just surprisingly entertaining for someone with a reasonable perspective. And, the reason Rush Limbaugh claims to "tie half of his brain behind his back" is because it doesn't seem to make much of a difference. The far right and its soft-minded following is an absurdity and would be hillarious if it weren't so sad (and, at times, frightening).

Second, you don't happen to know where his interview/speech is archived, do you? I heard it, but I promised to do my best to get a copy for a friend.


on October 5, 2003 06:45 PM
# said:

When Al Franken admitted to lying to get some dirt on political appointees, and using Harvard resources to do it, he lost what little credibility he had left. He proved himself to be a liar, which is ironic, considering the title of his recent book. He's a narrow-minded fool.

on October 8, 2003 11:50 AM
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