While exiting the back seat of a Cessna 182 on Saturday morning, a bad thing happened. I was carrying my camera, GPS, water bottle, and a piece of laminated paper (local map with specific airports marked). A gust of wind caught the paper and managed to sneak the corner up under my glasses and into my left eye.

Aside from the obvious pain, I noticed something else within a minute or so. My vision was blurry. It didn't take long to realize that the piece of paper must have scratched the surface of my eye.

The rest of the day was a real challenge. While it was rather blurry, my brain seemed to do okay if there wasn't a significant light contrast in what I was looking at. But if I looked at a something shiny and reflective, it was too much.

The drive home from the airport was difficult, given what a sunny day it was. But I made it and spent the rest of the day trying not to look at anything and wondering if it would heal itself.

When I woke up this morning, I was pleasantly surprised to find that my left eye's vision is only half as bad as it was on Saturday. I can actually read text on a computer screen today.

The obvious solution to working in this impaired state is to use my right eye only. Except that my right eye has always been the weaker of my two eyes. And my brain knows this. That makes it very hard to keep my left eye closed and get any serious amount of work done.

There's a first time for everything, I guess.

Posted by jzawodn at September 14, 2003 09:16 PM

Reader Comments
# Tim A said:

From the very little I picked up about LASIK and PRK eye procedures while contracting in IT at TLC, the eye heals pretty quickly. Although, I'd get it checked out for a professional opinion.

on September 14, 2003 10:06 PM
# Jeremy Zawodny said:

Yeah, I plan to call the eye docs on Monday to see if/when they'd like to see me...

on September 14, 2003 10:19 PM
# Rob Speicher said:

That's scary, hope it's temporary. Maybe try an eye patch in the meantime?

on September 14, 2003 10:26 PM
# Basil Hussain said:

Did someone say eye patch? Maybe you could coincide it with Sept 19th - International Talk Like a Pirate Day!


on September 15, 2003 05:37 AM
# Bob Denny said:

You probably should get that checked by an opthalmologist. In any case, you really should not fly until you know (and can prove) that you meet the appropriate vision standards in FAR Part 67 for your level of medical. If you don't, you could end up discovering that you're uninsured and/or have your ticket/medical yanked for violating FARs. It's possible that you are also violating some Calif. motor vehicle code by driving with impaired vision. In AZ, you can be cited for being impared "to the slightest degree", and that's not limited to alcohol/drugs. Having a concussion, heavy prescription meds, a broken right leg w/no ankle articulation, etc., counts. In AZ it's criminal, not civil, so you could go to jail.

Just FYI...

-- Bob

on September 15, 2003 12:05 PM
# diky said:

I am sory for what hapend to you,I hope you are ok by now!As to me, I lost my right eye site before and four moths ago half of my left eye site, so i konw how it feels!

on November 8, 2003 05:37 PM
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