To my natural state, apparently.
For whatever reason, I haven't managed to get to bed before 2am for a single day this week. And one day it was 3:30am when I hit the sack.
Needless to say, I'm a night person.
On the plus side, I've still been getting up at a decent hour. But instead of heading to work, I've been working from home in the AM and then heading to work around noonish. It seems to be working out very well. It's a good compromise between the productivity of being at home where it's quiet and the necessary face-to-face interaction of being in the office.
Posted by jzawodn at September 12, 2003 12:36 AM | edit
Haha, me too. I was doing great, getting up before 10, etc. Now I've gone back to sleeping only every other day. :(
Well we all know the real truth - that you've been binge drinking late into the night and sleeping until noon. But don't put that on your public blog!
Actually, he's been living and working by my clock. I'm in the office aroun 8:30, going to sleep around midnight.
Oddly, this week has been the same for me... I wonder what's going on...
Ditto. Same here as well.
Personally, I like getting up later and missing rush hour traffic altogether. 11-7 is a lot easier for me than 9-5.
It appears to be a common trait to most programmers..
Hardly anyone I know gets into the office before 10.
I noticed I'm going back to my bad habit of a 12 hour day. I blame it on the seasonal change in the length of days. When do we go back off daylight savings?
I think that it's definately the weather. Once the summer cools off a bit, and the humidity dies down it's natural to want to get more accomplished.
For me anyway.