A few gliders found decent lift to almost 6,000 on the second ridge today. Once again, the BLIPMAP was pretty accurate.

Lance and I took 15M up in the early afternoon. We had planned to tow to 6,500 over the 2nd ridge, but saw the variometer swing past 10 on the way there at 5,100 so we got off tow and worked it for a while. We made it to 5,850 a few times. Tried to break 6,000 but couldn't quite get the last 150 feet.

The lift seemed best by the Tin Roof (thanks to Lance for showing me where it is) and where the two ridges meet at the northwest end of the valley. We saw lots of 2 knots and some 4-6 knots.

We flew again later after Lance's Grob checkout and still found lift back there but the sea breeze was keeping it lower and weaker.

I snapped some pictures.

Posted by jzawodn at August 31, 2003 10:10 PM | edit

Reader Comments
# dan said:

So how about a GPS point for the Tin Roof to help the rest of us? That is... when we eventually get there :)

on September 6, 2003 08:43 AM
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