I left
work early on Thursday and headed up to Truckee. The drive there took
about 5 hours, but that's what I get for leaving at 5pm rather than
earlier as planned (another story). But it was totally worth it.
On Friday morning, I headed over to Soar Truckee to meet the folks there and get Grob 36L ready to fly. I wandered into the office and met Samantha and Joe as well as a few others. Joe was to fly with me today, so he asked me to read and sign the Standard Operating Procedures (SOP).
By the time the day was over, I had one of my all time best flights. Read all about it in my flying blog. Or just look at the pictures I took.
Posted by jzawodn at August 30, 2003 11:04 AM
Ooooo, purty...
I've gotta take up gliding (glidering? :) It looks like it's peaceful beyond imagination.
I saw the picture before I read the headline, what I saw was the front left fender of a blue car, with the headlight oddly out of place. Did anyone else see that? I know I'm screwed up, just wondering how much.