This is too cool...
The fun starts when someone changes an item after posting it; I do this myself all the time--for some reason, I never seem to see some typos in my weblog application's entry form, but they stand out like a beacon on the main page of LittleThinkTank. When NetNewsWire refreshes a feed subsequent to a change, you get to see the differences.
Thanks to Brent for the link.
Posted by jzawodn at August 27, 2003 02:19 PM
You mean I now have to avoid slander the first time I write an article instead of having second thoughts?
Mark Pilgrim was doing this, sorta. Caused a bit of a stir when he started WinerWatch a few months ago.
Oh dear, I edit my posts dozens of times. First spelling mistakes, then grammatical ones, then just rephrasing stuff in a better way... oops! :)
I'm not sure if I'd like someone looking into my editing may reveal some deep-seated psychological problem. :-P~
I guess if someone really does want to see my typos that badly.. why not..
I only fix spelling errors if I see them right away. If the MT edit window is still open, I change the mistakes. But going back an hour or days or weeks afterwards (as some do) is silly. My blog is not a newspaper. It's not homework. it's just ranting. And ranting doesn't require grammatical precision.
Until there is a spellcheck function built into MT, I just won't concern myself more than I ordinarily would about spelling errors.
I just let my mistakes stay...yeah right. If you're egomaniacal (SAT word) enough to think someone may actually read your blog, you're gonna correct it, re-write...
I bet he is using diffmk or something close.. check out it already has XML support. How much you want to bet that you just changed this to work with RSS?