This is too cool...

The fun starts when someone changes an item after posting it; I do this myself all the time--for some reason, I never seem to see some typos in my weblog application's entry form, but they stand out like a beacon on the main page of LittleThinkTank. When NetNewsWire refreshes a feed subsequent to a change, you get to see the differences.

Thanks to Brent for the link.

Posted by jzawodn at August 27, 2003 02:19 PM

Reader Comments
# Mike Hillyer said:

You mean I now have to avoid slander the first time I write an article instead of having second thoughts?

on August 27, 2003 02:27 PM
# Dan Isaacs said:

Mark Pilgrim was doing this, sorta. Caused a bit of a stir when he started WinerWatch a few months ago.

on August 27, 2003 06:32 PM
# Daniel Farinha said:

Oh dear, I edit my posts dozens of times. First spelling mistakes, then grammatical ones, then just rephrasing stuff in a better way... oops! :)

on August 27, 2003 07:06 PM
# Peter said:

I'm not sure if I'd like someone looking into my editing may reveal some deep-seated psychological problem. :-P~

on August 27, 2003 07:26 PM
# kasia said:

I guess if someone really does want to see my typos that badly.. why not..

on August 27, 2003 07:30 PM
# Dan Isaacs said:

I only fix spelling errors if I see them right away. If the MT edit window is still open, I change the mistakes. But going back an hour or days or weeks afterwards (as some do) is silly. My blog is not a newspaper. It's not homework. it's just ranting. And ranting doesn't require grammatical precision.

Until there is a spellcheck function built into MT, I just won't concern myself more than I ordinarily would about spelling errors.

on August 28, 2003 06:01 AM
# Alex said:

I just let my mistakes stay...yeah right. If you're egomaniacal (SAT word) enough to think someone may actually read your blog, you're gonna correct it, re-write...

on August 28, 2003 06:44 AM
# Justin said:

I bet he is using diffmk or something close.. check out it already has XML support. How much you want to bet that you just changed this to work with RSS?

on August 28, 2003 09:36 AM
# Jeremy Zawodny said:

Testing. Ignore me.

on August 30, 2003 07:25 PM
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