Yup, we've got a new PHP Hacker working at Yahoo now. Welcome, Andrei.
I hadn't realized that he started already. I walked over to Brian's cube a few days ago to ask him a question, knocked on the wall (there's no door, of course), and Andrei turned around. I wasn't quite paying attention yet and said something like "Hey, you're not Brian." And then realized that I knew Andrei was starting soon, so they must be sharing a cube for now.
It's funny when stuff like that happens.
Posted by jzawodn at August 11, 2003 09:03 AM
Think Yahoo's stock'll go up? Congrats on the new addition to the team!
Do you think this means we can actually get five people now for a php meetup? Or some kind of PHP techie gathering?
Do you Yahoo? ;) No, seriously, good to hear the good blood is flowing. :)
So, how long before Yahoo is entirely running PHP? Or better yet, PHP-GTK? ;)
Well, part of Yahoo will likely never run PHP. But there seems to be slow but steady movement away from our home-grown stuff to PHP. It's just a matter of time...
yahoo has just gotten some seriously heavy duty PHP brainpower there!
Congrats to the team in getting Andrei.
"...so they must be sharing a cube for now.
It's funny when stuff like that happens."
There is nothing funny about cube sharing.
Depends how big the cubicle is Dan ;)
We've got one here which is 20' x 20', and 4 guys sit in it, and they have a little "chatty loungy" area in the middle (ie: they face the outside of the square).
They quite like it.
That said said, beyond that I can't imagine it being very much fun. In fact I'm sharing my much smaller cubicle right now :(