Woohoo! IBM fixed up my Thinkpad by swapping in a new motherboard (as expected).
I'm syncing my mail, blog stuff, and book data. Now I can get back to normal.
Yeay IBM!
Posted by jzawodn at July 29, 2003 08:28 PM
I've been thinking about buying a Laptop for a while now. Thinkpad is my personal fav, but I am paying a lot for just the brandname. I can get a Dell laptop with decent configuration for 50% of that the same IBM one will cost ( atleast in India anyway )
and the hunt still goes on....
Hi Jeremy,
sorry this is a bit of a plug but im trying to promote our company website (http://www.usb-pendrive.co.uk) which is technology related. As such im looking at blogs that are technology focused.
Would you consider writing a blog about our product - usb pen drives - or could you maybe point in the right direction of a suitable blog out there that will do the job.
thanks for your help.
It's good to hear that IBM's tech support is doing a good job, but I fail to understand, why would anyone want to use a PC when they got a Mac. :)
My last PC, a kickass Dell Latitude C840, has been sitting on the shelf for about 5 months now. Ever since I got my first OS X capable machine. :)
tfr: "but I fail to understand, why would anyone want to use a PC when they got a Mac."
rux: "to write and run .Net applications...."
Good luck with your fixed IBM... i have same laptop i would trade the motherboard too.