Well, I'm sitting downstairs (in a conference room) during a break at OSCON and can't get much of a signal from the O'Reilly network. The morning newsletter is advertising such a network, but it's more of a notwork right now.
kismet finds the network, but there appears to be no traffic on it. Grr.
I should have headed up to the speaker's lounge during the break. They have hubs and actual ethernet cables there.
Ah, they've fixed it. Now I can complain about a problem that no longer exists! :-)
Posted by jzawodn at July 07, 2003 11:37 AM | edit
the wireless's been a bit flaky all day... if you can get a signal, it's likely there will be a problem further upstream preventing you from getting to the DNS server anyway.
welcome to the future, where as usual, nothing works ;-)
Word is that it was the ISP being messed with from someone here at the conf. Who knows?
The wireless within the hotel seemed to work fine enough this morning while not being able to surf the web.