Neat. The new religion is spreading at work--specifically on the Yahoo! Buzz Index.

Be nice. And report any bugs you find. They're very new.

Posted by jzawodn at June 06, 2003 02:44 PM | edit

Reader Comments
# Arien said:

I don't get why you are using RSS?

on June 6, 2003 03:40 PM
# justin said:

I think it is so that they can syndicate the search “buzz” words to other sites. For example say you wanted to track the search terms from AltaVista, Yahoo, and Google. If they all support RSS then you can just create a script to parse XML and b00m you have it. Please this is existing technology you probably would not have to create a script anymore.

And finally they are starting to use a standard. In the past and present for the most part you would have to hardcode some nasty looking regex to parse this stuff out of html.

on June 6, 2003 03:52 PM
# Matt Croydon said:

Cool! Can you beat up someone and get the Y! Financial RSS feeds back? Those were like crack.

on June 6, 2003 03:56 PM
# Jeremy Zawodny said:

I'm trying. Again. Sort of.

Now where'd I leave that cluestick?

on June 6, 2003 04:01 PM
# Arien said:

Just to make sure: I understand the advantages that XML offers, I am just wondering what makes *RSS* the best choice in this case.

on June 6, 2003 04:40 PM
# ResearchBuzz said:

Drat! I found the Ask Yahoo RSS feed and the dredges of the travel feed and I didn't find these? >Raps self in head with cluestick<... thanks Jeremy.

on June 6, 2003 09:52 PM
# Chris Pirillo said:

You rule. :)

on June 6, 2003 11:43 PM
# rands said:


Next up... popular images?

on June 7, 2003 12:36 PM
# rands said:

BUG? The prefacing of each of entry with a number, I think, is a bug. The order/rank is implicit by it's place in the list. This leaves the choice of whether or not a customer wants to add a number on their own via however they present the data.

on June 7, 2003 05:36 PM
# dennis said:

Yahoo popular images?

It's scraped .. it's having a scraped rss feed

official feed not found yet ;-)

on June 11, 2003 01:00 AM
# Kushal Dave said:

Hey Justin, I've already made something close to what you describe at Right now, it's screen scraping, but I can't wait to switch to RSS.

on July 7, 2003 09:25 PM
# tony said:

Yahoo! News has started a small set of RSS feeds.

I would appreciate feedback thru the feedback link at the bottom of that page.

on August 13, 2003 01:35 PM
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